Viewing RAW answers


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Students are (quite naturally) interested to review their test answers, to see where they went wrong.  If you elected to show them their answers at the end of the test, they will have seen them already, but they can return to these at a later time, by selecting the ‘View Answers' button on the main QuizMaster Central screen.

In the interests of personal privacy, they will be asked to log in, so that only they might be privvy to their results.  Once authenticated, they will again select the test they wish to view their answers for.

These raw answers are created dynamically, so in order for QuizMaster to create the questions, the student needs access to them.  In other words, only tests in the student test folder can generate raw answers.  If you have removed the test, the students will not be able to see their answers.

Generally speaking, the answers look quite pleasant - though you may copy and paste them into your favorite word processor for final printing if you wish.
