Siting a test


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The Student Module looks almost exactly like the Author Module, except that none of the editing features are present.  Students see the test in a read-only format.

Before students can access a test, they need to log in to QuizMaster.  It is important to note that this login procedure is not intended to be a C2 security gateway.  It is merely to identify the student, and to locate his or her test records.  The strength of QuizMaster's records security is fully in the hands of the Network Administrator, who will have ensured the correct access rights for staff and students.

The login screen looks like this:


Neither the login name nor the password are case sensitive.

If the student is doing this test for the first time, (s)he will be taken to the familiar Open File dialogue box, from where (s)he can select from the available tests.  Next thing thy'll see is the Title Page.

If the student is returning to this test, (s)he will be presented with the dialogue box, they will select the test, and then they'll see a dialogue box looking something like this:


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When a student logs in, QuizMaster locates their records, and then presents them only with those questions they have not yet answered correctly.

In this way, QuizMaster automates the followup testing, so that teachers can busy themselves with more important and rewarding tasks.

Students are warned (in a very friendly manner) that their time is running out (at 10, 5 and 2 minutes before the scheduled expiry of the test).  At zero minutes, the test gracefully shuts down.


Depending on the amount of feedback you have decided is appropriate, the student will then see either:

  • Their mark as a percentage
  • The full text of all the questions, and their actual answers to these.  They will also be notified (for each question) whether or not they answered it correctly.

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