Deploying tests


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There are two ways to make a test available to students.  Well, three, actually, if you consider distance testing.

  1. You can select the ‘Test is visible to students' option on the ‘Misc Settings' tab of the Test Editor.  This has already been covered.
  2. You can run the ‘Test Activator' module, which allows you point-and-click activation of any number of tests.
  3. You can either package the test and email it to distance students or get them to point their browsers at a given URL where they can retrieve the test from your Web site.

Let's take a look at the second option.

Select the ‘Test Activator' button on the QuizMaster Central screen.


This leads you to a screen in which you see two directories.  One the left, the teacher directory, and on the right, the student directory.  Like so...


It couldn't be simpler.  Add or remove tests at will from the student directory.

If your network Administrator has followed the QuizMastger installation instructions to the letter, your students will never be able to access tests which you do not wish them to see.

When you place a test in the student directory, this is literally what happens.  The test is physically copied from the secure teacher directory into a read-only student directory.  When you remove a test from the student directory, it is physically deleted.

QuizMaster depends entirely on the security of your LAN.