CDCheck Help
Help version 1.2    Author: Mitja Perko Copyright (C) 2003 Click here to view the online help

Symptom 1: CDCheck causes a blue screen and Windows stops running at 100% completion when processing a CD.
Symptom 2: You get a warning "file was most likely changed during processing (code: 20)" and reported "read size" is a multiple of 1024. The file can be also copied to disk and its size is the same as reported "file size".
Symptom 3: You are getting errors on Toshiba SD-M1802 DVD-ROM while other software claims there is no error.
Symptom 4: You get blue screen of death and cdr4_xp.sys driver failure is mentioned.

1. Why do I get "file size <> bytes read" when processing (Linux) CD?

2. Why is CDCheck so SLOW?

3. Why am I getting "Insufficient quota to complete the requested service."?

4. Is it possible to change font of result window and general font?

5. Does CDCheck work with DVDs?

6. Problems with InCD software!

7. After comparing a CDR with the files on hard disc I get "content mismatch" messages, but on different tries with the same disc always for different files (or even none). Other software shows no difference.

8. Do I have to run Check AND Compare to search for errors? Can I combine both into one process in order to save time?

9. All the CD/DVD's that I burned and checked have an entry in the Errors section that says 'other: 1'

10. Are you planning to port CDCheck to other operating systems?

11. I just burned a disk and Nero reported a 'data verification failure' but I ran all the tests in CDCheck and it reported no errors whatsoever. Which program is accurate and does this mean the disk is ok to keep as a backup? Compare?

12. Why does CDCheck come up anytime a file is double-clicked on when that file does not have any association? Is there a way to turn it off?

13. What are the "side effects" of error code 62? It has been appearing after almost cd burning (almost always one file is different). After I check the file it seems to be OK.

14. How to remove CDCheck from Shell Extensions / Context Menus / Shell Integration / Explorer menu?

15. Can CD-check compare two CDs against each other, bit-by-bit? One CD is the 'master gold' CD that is in the read-only drive. the other would be a freshly created CD in the writer.

16. CDCheck does not work with files with non-locale (Arabic, Chinese...) names. The file name will show in the main page but when i click on recover (check, compare) the file name become question marks ?????? in the source text box.

17. I get errors "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.". What should I do?

18. I have a few DVD discs that I can't copy files from. Getting CRC errors. Will this product help me recover the files?

19. I use CDCheck for checking (verifying) copied CD's. That is: having the source disk in the cdrom-drive and later on also the destiny disk in the same cdrom-drive. I found out, however, that CDCheck doesn't work that way, giving a system error after completing reading the source files. Would there be a possibility to check a copied CD straight away after all?

20. I have downloaded an image and burned it on two separate machines, and using two different kind of CD-Rs in each machine's burner. I still get an error: "error;win32;The parameter is incorrect. (code:87)"? I am not quite sure what this error means, or if I should be concerned?

21. CDCheck displays a reading speed of 20x in DMA-mode, and 12x in normal mode, although my CD-ROM-drive is designed for 40x speed! Do you have an idea, what the reasons for these problems could be, and how I could solve it?

22. Why when I try to RECOVER a single file (from CD) it is very slow, but when I copy the same file from windows explorer it is fast?

23. When installing updates do you recommend a clean install or can CDCheck be installed over previous version?

24. What is the most recommended hash algorithm? What do you suggest?

25. What is error "Data error (Cyclic Redundancy Check) (code:23)"?

26. I get
1) error win.32 File G:\ device not ready code 21
2) critical process G:\ file directory in setup window not found code 2
3) critical process G:\ process aborted code 3
Can I recover this CD?

27. Your software reports errors when checking. Can they be fixed?

28. What does it mean that a sector on CD which cannot be read with your program will be signed as not readable. Does the progam make a sign on the CD? Does the sign have the result, that after that the file now cannot be read by other recovery programs (f.e. CDR-Diagnostics of arrowkey)?

29. I would love to have a program that I could check the integrity of a repaired Playstation 2 and Xbox disc without having to load it onto the appropriate console and start playing the game. This only tells me that the game loads, not if its O.K. all the way through. Have you anything in place I might be able to use for my business as this process is time consuming, or can you help me with a name of someone that may be able to help?

30. I am evaluating CDCheck to verify files mass produced against an original. I have created a copy of a manufacturer's CD and used CDCheck to verify the contents on the same drive it was created to a network copy - POSITIVE RESULTS. I use another PC (not the drive it was created on) to compare the original and copied CD and original/copy to network - NEGATIVE RESULTS. I get CRC errors and compare errors. Why would this occur?

31. Does CDCheck support Video CDs, Super Video CDs, Video-DVDs?

32. Why am I getting errors (compare mismatch, read CRC error,...) after burning?

33. Is it possible to log all results to a file?

Troubleshooting solutions
Symptom 1: CDCheck causes a blue screen and Windows stops running at 100% completion when processing a CD.
Cause: Windows probably does not support well your DVD or other device and this locks the system when CDCheck issues a command for ejection
Solution: Go to Options-General and uncheck "eject source when process is completed" or try updating your Windows with services packs/fixes

Symptom 2: You get a warning "file was most likely changed during processing (code: 20)" and reported "read size" is a multiple of 1024. The file can be also copied to disk and its size is the same as reported "file size".
Cause: You are probably using InCD packet driver software or other software not supporting unbuffered reading.
Solution: Add "/normalread" parameter when starting CDCheck (e.g. "CDCheck /normalread"). This turns off unbuffered reading.

Symptom 3: You are getting errors on Toshiba SD-M1802 DVD-ROM while other software claims there is no error.
Cause: There seem to be some driver problems which cause unbuffered reading to fail on first file.
Solution: Add "/normalread" parameter when starting CDCheck (e.g. "CDCheck /normalread"). This turns off unbuffered reading.

Symptom 4: You get blue screen of death and cdr4_xp.sys driver failure is mentioned.
Cause: There seem to be some driver problems which cause unbuffered reading to fail.
Solution: Add "/normalread" parameter when starting CDCheck (e.g. "CDCheck /normalread"). This turns off unbuffered reading.

1. Why do I get "file size <> bytes read" when processing (Linux) CD?
CD is usually read only media and therefore the file cannot be changed during processing. The warning is reported because operating system probably has some problems reading volume structure. It seems it correctly reads the file size but when it wants to read the file it reads the wrong file and therefore reads more/less than the size expected. You can observe this yourself if you try to copy the reported file to disk. The size of file on disk will be different than the size of file on CD and will probably match some other file.

2. Why is CDCheck so SLOW?
You probably have checked "Run process in idle priority" in Options and you are running a background application that is using all spare CPU cycles (like SETI@home). Uncheck the option to allow CDCheck to run processes in normal priority.
If you are using Windows NT or 2000 you can check if some application is using all of the CPU by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-ESC to show Windows Task Manager and going to performance tab. If CPU usage is at 100% for a few seconds you should uncheck the "Run process in idle priority".

3. Why am I getting "Insufficient quota to complete the requested service."?
The problem is a consequence of too low system resources being available. There are several things you can try:
A) Try lowering the values under CDCheck-Options-Buffers ("Device read size" and "Circular buffer size").
B) Check that you have enough space on your hard drive and big enough Disk Usage Quota (Explorer - right click - Quota Management).
C) Try installing service packs for Windows
D) Check that you have enough RAM available
E) Try closing all unneccessary running applications

4. Is it possible to change font of result window and general font?
It is possible but requires modifying the cdcheck.ini file.
You can add "GCFont.Font.Name=Your font name" and "GCFont.Font.Size=Your font size" to [FrmOptions] section to change general font name and size.
To change font in Result window you should add "Memo1.Font.Name=Your font name" and "Memo1.Font.Size=Your font size" to [FrmResult] section.

5. Does CDCheck work with DVDs?
Yes! CDCheck works with DVDs the same way as it works with CDs.

6. Problems with InCD software!
If you are using CDCheck with drive using InCD packet driver (software) you must add "/normalread" parameter when starting CDCheck (e.g. "CDCheck /normalread"). This is needed because driver does not support unbuffered reading which causes errors to appear although everything is fine.

7. After comparing a CDR with the files on hard disc I get "content mismatch" messages, but on different tries with the same disc always for different files (or even none). Other software shows no difference.
There are multiple options what is wrong:
a) If this is happening with more than one CD it is possible that there is something wrong with your CD-Writer. You can check this by using a different cdrom (preferably non-writer) to compare. If there are still errors the CD if probably not burned well. Otherwise your CD-Writer could have troubles reading it.
b) There is something wrong with your computer. CDCheck is different from other similar software because it reads simultaniously from source and reference. This difference is sometimes enough to get reading errors when using CDCheck while other software does not show it. One possible reason for example could be faulty RAM .
c) Is your CD media not of best quality? If your media is on the border of healthiness than your cdrom might get it right one time while failing the second time.
BE WARNED that this are only some possible causes and they are NOT TO BE HOLD AS FACTS.

8. Do I have to run Check AND Compare to search for errors? Can I combine both into one process in order to save time?
a) If you have hash files present on CDs (or other media) you can use Check or Compare. One is enough.
b) Otherwise Compare is highly recommended since Check checks only readability while compare also check the content. Only one is again enough.

9. All the CD/DVD's that I burned and checked have an entry in the Errors section that says 'other: 1'
"Other:" is a count of notes, comments in report window (see: Main Window). Most likely you are not using any hashes and you are receiving a note about it. This was introduced in version 3.1 to provide better information whether hash files are used or not.

10. Are you planning to port CDCheck to other operating systems?
This is currently not a priority.

11. I just burned a disk and Nero reported a 'data verification failure' but I ran all the tests in CDCheck and it reported no errors whatsoever. Which program is accurate and does this mean the disk is ok to keep as a backup? Compare?
If Nero reported data verification error I would rather not keep it as a backup. If CDCheck compare reported no errors it probably is correctly readable in your drive but there could be problems in other drives.

12. Why does CDCheck come up anytime a file is double-clicked on when that file does not have any association? Is there a way to turn it off?
Windows probably tries to use the first action in the context menu. Currently the only solution is to disable "Add to Context Menus" in Options-General.

13. What are the "side effects" of error code 62? It has been appearing after almost cd burning (almost always one file is different). After I check the file it seems to be OK.
That would be "compare mismatch". Side effects are serious. The files could be different on your CD and on your disk. Try checking two times and see if the same file is reported. The error could also be appearing because of hardware problems (reading produces an error from time to time).

14. How to remove CDCheck from Shell Extensions / Context Menus / Shell Integration / Explorer menu?
Go to Options and deselect "Add CDCheck to context menus".

15. Can CD-check compare two CDs against each other, bit-by-bit? One CD is the 'master gold' CD that is in the read-only drive. the other would be a freshly created CD in the writer.
It can compare files bit by bit. The actual CD layout currently cannot be compared.

16. CDCheck does not work with files with non-locale (Arabic, Chinese...) names. The file name will show in the main page but when i click on recover (check, compare) the file name become question marks ?????? in the source text box.
CDCheck source text box does not support Unicode characters. However the files can be recovered, checked etc. if a folder which does not contain this characters is selected. When process is started all Unicode files are handled correctly.

17. I get errors "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.". What should I do?
If filenames are system files (like pagefile.sys, hiberfil.sys...) then ignore it. The error means some application has the file open for reading and locked for exclusive use and CDCheck therefore cannot open them to check them. But usual such files do not have reading problems since they are used by system or the application that locked it.

18. I have a few DVD discs that I can't copy files from. Getting CRC errors. Will this product help me recover the files?
Yes. It will be to at least partially recover the files.

19. I use CDCheck for checking (verifying) copied CD's. That is: having the source disk in the cdrom-drive and later on also the destiny disk in the same cdrom-drive. I found out, however, that CDCheck doesn't work that way, giving a system error after completing reading the source files. Would there be a possibility to check a copied CD straight away after all?
The fastest way to do this is using the CRC function. First use it on the original CD to create the .CRC file on custom location (disk). Then use that CRC file to check the copied CD (select Check - custom CRC).

20. I have downloaded an image and burned it on two separate machines, and using two different kind of CD-Rs in each machine's burner. I still get an error: "error;win32;The parameter is incorrect. (code:87)"? I am not quite sure what this error means, or if I should be concerned?
Most likely there is something wrong with the image. Try redownloading it!

21. CDCheck displays a reading speed of 20x in DMA-mode, and 12x in normal mode, although my CD-ROM-drive is designed for 40x speed! Do you have an idea, what the reasons for these problems could be, and how I could solve it?
The difference between DMA and non-DMA is expected since DMA provides more efficient data transfer. As for why it is only 20x: cdrom has its maximal speed 40x. When it has to seek for data it takes longer. This is when you are checking CD with a lot of files. The speed also usually varies when laser moves from inner side of CD to outer (40x on outer edge less on inner) and also depends on the quality of CD. You can test the speed more correctly with "CD Speed" utility if you like.

22. Why when I try to RECOVER a single file (from CD) it is very slow, but when I copy the same file from windows explorer it is fast?
Recover is slower because multiple reads are performed to ensure data is read correctly and data is also read sector by sector when errors are found. In Explorer data is read in blocks and read only once. You can set the "Min. no of rereads" to 1 for CDCheck to work faster.

23. When installing updates do you recommend a clean install or can CDCheck be installed over previous version?
Installing over previous version causes no harm and you get a full update and keep your previous settings. If any future version will need an uninstallation of previous version you will be informed before installation.

24. What is the most recommended hash algorithm? What do you suggest?
The algoritms CRC, MD5 and SHA are most used to my knowledge. I would suggest MD5 algorithm.

25. What is error "Data error (Cyclic Redundancy Check) (code:23)"?
This means that file (specific part of file) is not readable. If this is a CD/DVD this can be either due to bad burn, scratches or cdrom age (because of age cdrom cannot read well any more).

26. I get
1) error win.32 File G:\ device not ready code 21
2) critical process G:\ file directory in setup window not found code 2
3) critical process G:\ process aborted code 3
Can I recover this CD?

There are hopes. It just cannot be done with CDCheck. Try checking out some other software (check out links section on CDCheck homepage). Although I am not sure if there exists any freeware.

27. Your software reports errors when checking. Can they be fixed?
No they cannot be fixed. You should recover as much as you can and save it to new media.

28. What does it mean that a sector on CD which cannot be read with your program will be signed as not readable. Does the progam make a sign on the CD? Does the sign have the result, that after that the file now cannot be read by other recovery programs (f.e. CDR-Diagnostics of arrowkey)?
This "signed as not readable" means that CDCheck internally remembers and reports that specific sector could not be read. However this is limited to CDCheck only and for current session only.

29. I would love to have a program that I could check the integrity of a repaired Playstation 2 and Xbox disc without having to load it onto the appropriate console and start playing the game. This only tells me that the game loads, not if its O.K. all the way through. Have you anything in place I might be able to use for my business as this process is time consuming, or can you help me with a name of someone that may be able to help?
CDCheck is able to only partially check the disc. It can check the files visible in Windows Explorer and make sure they are readable. However as far as I know there are some other things written on PS2 and Xbox games than this. But in most cases I guess it could work. Otherwise I do not know of anyone else that could help you. Try searching the internet and forums.

30. I am evaluating CDCheck to verify files mass produced against an original. I have created a copy of a manufacturer's CD and used CDCheck to verify the contents on the same drive it was created to a network copy - POSITIVE RESULTS. I use another PC (not the drive it was created on) to compare the original and copied CD and original/copy to network - NEGATIVE RESULTS. I get CRC errors and compare errors. Why would this occur?
A few possible reasons are: 1) Network problems 2) cdrom problems 3) CD problems (not exactly best copy) 4) computer problems To check if this a network problem try creating a hash (CRC) file on network from that computer and check a few times the network copy. If different files get CRC mismatch you might be having problems with your network connection from that computer.

31. Does CDCheck support Video CDs, Super Video CDs, Video-DVDs?
CDCheck should be able to check all of the formats mentioned above since they have access to all information through ISO9660 file structure format.

32. Why am I getting errors (compare mismatch, read CRC error,...) after burning?
You are getting errors either due to drive reading problems, defective media or bad burn. For bad burns there are many reasons - software problem (buffer problems, bugs...), device problems (old drive...), driver problem (incorrectly configured ASPI layer or other kind of device access, incorrect DMA settings, ...) and many other possibilities.
If this does not happen frequently I suggest you leave everything as is. Otherwise try to exclude problems one after another.
A few things worth trying to eliminate the problem:
- do not work on anything else during burning
- do not overburn CDs
- use good brand CD/DVD media
- verify ASPI driver installation (you can do this using in Ahead's Nero InfoTool by selecting System and Nero ASPI)
- try other burning software (or upgrade existing)
- check if your CD/DVD drive(s) is(are) on different IDE controller than your hard drives
- try changing transfer mode for CD/DVD drive from DMA to PIO only (Device Manager - IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers; info on which drive is where can be obtained using Ahead's Nero InfoTool)
- try upgrading motherboard BIOS and/or CD/DVD drive firmware (do this VERY carefully)
- search the internet for problems regarding your specific drive, burning software

33. Is it possible to log all results to a file?
Yes it is. You have to modify CDCheck.ini file in CDCheck installation directory to include the following line under the line "[FrmOptions]":
This will log all results to a file named "Results.log".


Copyright (C) 2003, Mitja Perko (CDCheck homepage)