CDCheck Help
Help version 1.2    Author: Mitja Perko Copyright (C) 2003 Click here to view the online help
Audio CD and CD/DVD Info support

Setting it up
Audio CDs and CD/DVD Info is supported through ASPI interface and SPTI interface.

SPTI access
To use it you must have Windows NT, 2000, XP or newer. You also must have Administrator priviliges on the computer or enabled option in Windows Local Security Policy
"Local Security Policy"
  "Security Options"
    "Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only"
(this can be set by the Administrator only).

ASPI access
ASPI access needs an ASPI driver to work. It can be used on all operating systems and under most user accounts. For installation of ASPI driver you can search the internet using this keywords: "ASPI driver install". For example Bart's page about ASPI provides good information about installing ASPI driver. Usually you will want to install either Nero's or Adaptec's ASPI driver.

Setting access in CDCheck
By default CDCheck automatically sets up the most apropriate access. However you can also set it up yourself in Options under Device access.

Audio CDs
Audio tracks are treated in CDCheck as normal .wav files when ASPI or SPTI interface is available. Wave files are retrieved using simple audio extraction. For real extraction other specialized software is recommended. Because of extraction offset there are some additional options on behaviour of processing - see Options - When processing .wav files ignore.

CD/DVD Info remark
CD/DVD Info usually works only on CD/DVD Recorders only, because other drives are not capable of retrieving CD/DVD information. It provides a lot of useful information about your CD/DVD media.


Copyright (C) 2003, Mitja Perko (CDCheck homepage)