Click on an item to get more information, or scroll down until you find what you want.
Retrieve from: Local file button: You can use this button to recall the list of available newsgroups if you have downloaded it before.
Retrieve from: Newsserver button: You can use this button to download the list of available newsgroups from your News server.
Manual box and Add button: These allow you to add a group to your list of selected groups manually, instead of searching for it in the available groups list. Just enter the group name in the box and press the Add button.
Search box: If you type a keyword here, the list below will change to only show groups with that keyword in their names and selected groups.
Group list: This list will show the available groups as well as the selected ones. The list can be filtered with the Search box.
Download Dir box and Browse button: You can change the directory where a group's downloads will be placed by first selecting the group in the group list and then specifying the path in the Download Dir box or navigating to it with the Browse button.