Click on an item to get more information, or scroll down until you find what you want.
Auto download directories box and Browse button: Specifies where you want your downloaded files to be placed. Subdirectories will be created for storing each group's downloads.
Options list:
Show incomplete parts:
When a multipart post exists, and not all of the parts are available on the server, the multipart post is marked as incomplete. If you check this option, these incomplete posts will be shown on the header list.
Sort case insensitive:
When clicking the column headers of the header list on the main window, NewsReactor sorts it. This option makes sorting case insensitive.
Multigroup tolerance:
To create the Multigroups (the expandable folders in the listview), NewsReactor uses an algorithm to compare multiparts with each other. By changing the tolerance value, NewsReactor will be more or less tolerant about which multiparts belong in a multigroup. The higher the percentage, the more NewsReactor is selective and creates more multigroups.
Close sockets gracefully:
This option sends a Quit command to the news server to close a connection, which makes the news server close the connection first. It can be important for news server that limit the number of simultaneous connections, so that you are sure that when a connection is terminated on your end, it is also terminated on the server end immediately.
Set newsgroup before download:
This option functions as a workaround for some news servers that cannot
provide a news article without selecting a group first. (Like Claranews).
Socket timeout:
This sets the number of seconds a connection to a news server can remain idle,
before being terminated.
Find expired articles:
Unchecking this option will make NewsReactor not look for expired
articles. All previously scanned articles will remain in the list. If checked, everytime you scan a group NewsReactor will find expired articles and remove them from the header list, so that you only see posts that are really there.
Days to keep headers:
This is another manual override on the retention time of article headers.
Do not decode files:
If you check this option, NewsReactor will not decode any downloaded files. They will remain with the .uue extension, and you can use any other program to decode them.
Smart rename when decoded file already exists:
This option is to avoid accidentally writing over an existent file. If a file already exists with a given name, the new file will be named : 'filename_01.ext', 'filename_02.ext' etc. to avoid conflicts.
Use subject as filename:
If this option is checked, the downloaded files will be named using the subject of the post instead of the specified filename.
Sometimes the subject of a header gives more information about what's in the post than the filename; for example, some filenames are something like '1.jpg' in which case the subject probably tells more. All non allowed characters in the subject will be changed to '_'.
Debug logging to log.txt:
Provides debug logging when trying to find errors. Also, all *.uue files will remain in the download directory.