Item menu

Click on an item to get more information, or scroll down until you find what you want.

Grab!: Adds a post to the download queue. You have to select a post in the header list first.

Grab and Open: Adds a post to the download queue. You have to select a post in the header list first. After it is downloaded, the file is opened with the default viewer, which may be dangerous if the file is an executable, because it may be carrying a virus. Please be careful when using this feature.

Enqueue Only: Adds a post to the downloads queue, but does not download it. You have to select a post in the header list first.

Find: This allows you to perform a search on the posts displayed in the header list. Detailed information on the find dialog here.

Read Message: Select this option to read a post. You must have selected it first in the header list.

Post Message: Allows you to post a message on a group. You must first select the group in the group list. Detailed information about posting messages here.

Select All: Selects all the visible posts in the header list.

Expand all multigroups: Expands all the multigroups to show their contents. A multigroup is a group of similar posts, in the header list.

Collapse all multigroups: Collapses all the multigroups to hide their contents. A multigroup is a group of similar posts, in the header list.

Move To Top In Queue: This allows you to move a post to the top of the download queue, so that it is the next to be downloaded. You must have selected it first in the header list.

Remove From Queue: Removes a post from the download queue, so that it won't be downloaded. You must have selected it first in the header list.

Clear Queue: Clears the contents of the download queue so that nothing else is downloaded.

Clear Log: Clears the log window.

Remove From List: Removes a post from the header list. You must have selected it first in the header list.

Copy subject(s) to clipboard: This copies a post's subject to the clipboard. You must have selected it first in the header list.

Jump to first URL in subject: This opens a browser window with the first internet location that appears on the subject of a post. You must have selected it first in the header list.

Properties: Opens a window with a post's properties, showing the details on all the parts it is split into.