Click on an item to get more information, or scroll down until you find what you want.
Scan: Scans a group for posts. A group must be selected in the group list.
Pause: Pauses all downloads temporarily. Click again to unpause.
Stop: Stops all downloads. The downloads in the queue will remain there but the ones that were being executed will be discarded.
Browse Dir...: Opens an explorer window with the download folder of the selected group, so that you can see all the files you downloaded from that group. You must first select the group in the group list.
Reset Group: This allows you to delete the list of headers stored for a group. You must first select the group in the group list.
Autograb All: Starts automatic download of all posts from all the groups in the group list.
Options...: Opens the Options dialog. More information on that here.
First Time Wizard...: Opens the First Time Wizard, to help you configure NewsReactor. More information here.