“GetFlash” Software Admission Protocol

This protocol is the law protocol between you and author. Author have the right to explanation about update and the promise to user. Please read this protocol carefully.
The name of “
GetFlash” include the software and all things about correlative media and printing and online document(at below we call it “software production” or “software”).  Once you install,copy or use this software by other way, this means you accept every items in our protocol. If you not accept our protocol, you couldn’t use this software.
        1.This software is protected by PRC ‘ copyright law and international copyright law and other knowledge right law. Users only get the usufruct of this software.
        2.The copyright of “
GetFlash” belongs to Superhunter Company. It is protected by copyright and other knowledge right law.
        3.You couldn’t do thereinafter things:
            Delete all copyright information of “
GetFlash” and other copy.
            Sale,hire any part of “
            Make and afford register number or decode program of “
        4. Copyright
            Any copyright and droit right of this software and its copy belongs to Superhunter Company. Any copyright of data which get from “
GetFlash” belongs to GetFlash’s developer. “GetFlash” is protected by copyright law or other knowledge property right. This protocol isn’t accredit you the right to using data.
        5. If you do not abidance any items of this protocol, Author have the right to terminate this protocol. And you must stop using “
GetFlash” and destroy any copy of “GetFlash”. This Request is available to any copy.
        6.You can spread “
GetFlash” by internet. But if your want to spread “GetFlash”by other way, please get admission of Author.
        7.Register user update assurance: after register user update, you can’t use register normally. Please send your new registration code application number and old registration code authentication number to Webmaster@superh
soft.com. you will get new register authentication number for free.
        8.If you use the version of “
GetFlash” which not register, you assume the risk yourself. At the most extension of law application, Author and his agent won’t assume any duty for any especially, accidental, directness or indirect loss.
        9.If you use piratic software
all the result should be assume by yourself. If piratic software have damage your system, Author and his agent won’t assume any duty.
        10.If you have any question about this protocol, please send e-mail to Webmaster@superh