The AntHill



The AntHill is intended as a more efficient replacement for the Folder Tree.

It uses far less resources and can be customized to just contain the folders you tell it to.

The version button at the bottom right will show you the full path for an item (if it fits). The FileAnt Caption shows the path also.

Virtual items that do not have a path cannot be added at this stage. (ie. Control Panel)


To add a folder just browse to the folder you want to add.

Right click White Space and select Add to AntHill

.. or just drag folders onto it.


To remove an item.

Click the FileAntVersion Number in the bottom right. The AntHill will then turn red (delete mode). Just click a link to remove it or click anywhere in the red area to exit delete mode.


The info panel at the top of the ant bar.

»   Shows Disk info for current panel. (update frequency depends on the type of disk)

»   Shows File info for currently selected file/folder. (the strange looking names are DOS Names for the file/folder). Click to copy the filename and path to the clipboard. You can also use the panel title bar to insert a folder path into the clipboard.

» File and folder Attributes are shown in the little boxes. Clicking can change these.