inherited AutoCueForm: TAutoCueForm Caption = 'Auto Cue' ClientHeight = 275 ClientWidth = 429 PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 inherited ButtonOk: TButton Left = 184 Top = 245 TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ButtonOkClick end inherited ButtonCancel: TButton Left = 264 Top = 245 TabOrder = 2 end inherited ButtonHelp: THelpButton Left = 344 Top = 245 TabOrder = 3 HelpKey = 'cue_autocue' end object PageControl: TPageControl Left = 3 Top = 5 Width = 422 Height = 237 ActivePage = Silence Style = tsFlatButtons TabOrder = 0 object Silence: TTabSheet Caption = 'Mark Silence' object SilenceSettings: TGroupBox Left = 2 Top = 0 Width = 411 Height = 105 Caption = ' Search for silences with the following properties: ' TabOrder = 0 object LengthAxis: TDogAxis Left = 122 Top = 83 Width = 215 Height = 16 Associate = LengthFader Min = 0.010000000000000000 Max = 10 Border = 22 end inline Threshold: TVolumeFrame Left = 14 Top = 26 Width = 387 inherited VolumeAxis: TDogAxis Left = 108 Width = 215 Max = 0 end inherited PercentLabel: TStaticText Left = 329 end inherited VolumeFader: TFader Left = 108 Width = 215 Max = 0 Position = -30 end inherited VolumeBox: TNumBox Left = 327 Value = -30 Max = 0 Label = 'Threshold' Items.Strings = ( '-32' '-36' '-40' '-48' '-56' '-60' '-80' '-90') Text = '-30' end inherited VolumeLabel: TStaticText Width = 104 Caption = 'Below threshold (dB):' end end object LengthLabel: TStaticText Left = 24 Top = 67 Width = 94 Height = 17 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Minimum length (s):' TabOrder = 1 end object LengthFader: TFader Left = 122 Top = 67 Width = 215 Height = 16 TabOrder = 2 Associate = Length Line = 0.100000000000000000 Page = 1 Min = 0.010000000000000000 Max = 10 Position = 0.010000000000000000 Stripe = True end object Length: TTimeEdit Left = 341 Top = 67 Width = 59 Height = 21 TabStop = True Value = 1.500000000000000000 Min = 0.010000000000000000 Max = 10 Decimal = -2 PageChange = 1 LineChange = 0.100000000000000000 Label = 'Length' Buddy = LengthFader Caption = '1.50' TabOrder = 3 MaxLength = 7 end end object PlacementSettings: TGroupBox Left = 2 Top = 110 Width = 411 Height = 91 Caption = ' Set a cue point within a silent area as follows: ' TabOrder = 1 object PlacementAxis: TDogAxis Left = 194 Top = 69 Width = 143 Height = 16 Associate = PlacementFader Max = 100 Border = 22 end object SeparationLabel: TStaticText Left = 6 Top = 24 Width = 184 Height = 17 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Minimum separation between cues (s):' TabOrder = 0 end object Separation: TTimeBox Left = 194 Top = 23 Width = 91 Height = 21 TabStop = True Max = 5000 Decimal = -2 PageChange = 10 LineChange = 1 Label = 'Separation' DropDownCount = 10 Items.Strings = ( '0.0' '0.25' '0.5' '1.0' '2.0' '5.0' '10.0' '30.0' '1:00' '2:00' '5:00' '10:00') TabOrder = 1 Text = '0.00' MaxLength = 20 Caption = '0.00' end object PlacementLabel: TStaticText Left = 41 Top = 53 Width = 149 Height = 17 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Cue placement within area (%):' TabOrder = 2 end object PlacementFader: TFader Left = 194 Top = 53 Width = 143 Height = 16 TabOrder = 3 Associate = Placement Line = 1 Page = 10 Max = 100 Position = 50 Stripe = True end object Placement: TNumBox Left = 342 Top = 53 Width = 59 Height = 21 TabStop = True Value = 50 Max = 100 PageChange = 10 LineChange = 1 Label = 'Placement' Buddy = PlacementFader Items.Strings = ( '0' '25' '50' '75' '100') TabOrder = 4 Text = '50' end end end object Space: TTabSheet Caption = 'Spacing' ImageIndex = 1 object SpacingSettings: TGroupBox Left = 2 Top = 0 Width = 411 Height = 89 Caption = ' Set cue points at equal intervals: ' TabOrder = 0 object StartLabel: TStaticText Left = 119 Top = 25 Width = 77 Height = 17 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Starting at time:' TabOrder = 0 end object Start: TTimeEdit Left = 200 Top = 22 Width = 91 Height = 21 TabStop = True Max = 1000000 Decimal = -2 PageChange = 10 LineChange = 1 Label = 'Starting Time' Caption = '0.00' TabOrder = 1 MaxLength = 20 end object IntervalLabel: TStaticText Left = 140 Top = 53 Width = 56 Height = 17 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Interval (s):' TabOrder = 2 end object Interval: TTimeBox Left = 200 Top = 50 Width = 91 Height = 21 TabStop = True Value = 300 Min = 0.100000000000000000 Max = 5000 Decimal = -2 PageChange = 10 LineChange = 1 Label = 'Separation' DropDownCount = 10 Items.Strings = ( '1.0' '2.0' '5.0' '10.0' '30.0' '1:00.0' '2:00.0' '5:00.0' '10:00.0' '30:00.0' '1:00:00.0') TabOrder = 3 Text = '5:00.00' MaxLength = 20 Caption = '5:00.00' end end end end end