The pie chart software contains many configurable
features and functions. This documentation is
designed to give both a full understanding of
every aspect and enable you to implement quickly
and easily.

In addition to reading through the documentation
we highly recommend viewing the Examples
and the Tutorial
The Examples
provide a good view of the range of functionality
and provide a base from which to build your own
The Tutorials
will guide you through the implementation process
and provide several template scripts which you
may freely modify and utilise.
Common Problems
This section describes and provides solutions
to common problems.
Start Here,
To begin, we suggest reading through and then
following the instructions contained in the 2
Describes which files are required, where to place
them and how to embed the chart within your web
Data and Configuration
Describes how to modify the various options to
produce a pie chart with your data.
Advanced Options and Techniques

Graph Printing
This section discusses the various options available
if printing the graph images is important for
your implementation
Describes how the Applet version can be used to
interact with embedded Javascript
Dynamic Methods
The applet form of the graph exposes certain methods
which enable both data values and chart properties
to be modified by other page components.
Data Binding
Connecting to a Database.
Applet or Servlet
A discussion designed to help you decide whether
to use the Applet (client) or Servlet(server side)
form of the graph.
Parameters & Options
The full range of possible configuration options
is detailed in this section
Multi Language Support