Welcome to ReGet Deluxe Help!
What is ReGet Deluxe?
ReGet Deluxe is download manager, which helps you to download files from
Internet. ReGet Deluxe core feature is that it resumes broken downloads from
where they left off from both HTTP and FTP servers. It saves your time, as
you wouldn't have to download again what you already have on your
Also ReGet Deluxe split the files being downloaded in sections and download all the
sections at the same time. That is from 3 to 5 times improvement!
ReGet Deluxe usage in detail can be found here.
With many features aimed at improving download
experience and dramatically increasing download speed, ReGet Deluxe is the
tool to use for power Internet users and heavy downloaders.
Find out what ReGet Deluxe suggests you.
If you have questions related to other issues, such as Activation Code troubleshooting,
Distribution and Packaging, ReGet localization, contacting ReGet team, you may
find answers here.