Always on top - Mark this checkbox to make NetWorx appear
on top of all other desktop windows.
Display window title bar - This checkbox toggles the display
of the NetWorx data window's title bar. Clear this checkbox to save
the valuable desktop space.
Snap to desktop edges - Mark this checkbox for the graph
window to snap to a desktop edge when you move it close enough.
Window transparency - NetWorx main window can appear semi-transparent
under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Specify the visibility in percents:
10% is barely visible, and 90% is nearly opaque. NOTE: This option
is not available on Windows 9x or NT 4.0.
Max. value - If your network device is one of the predefined
devices in this list, you can select it and your maximum transfer
rate will be adjusted accordingly. If your device is absent in the
supported devices list, use the manual setup option below, or set
this option to "Auto". This feature shall be used when
transfer rate varies greatly, and you cannot use one of the predefined
settings or specify a custom connection speed. A good example of
such connection is cable modem when service quality varies greatly:
from very fast in the night to very slow during peak hours.
In the Colors section you can specify the graph's background
and foreground colors by selecting them from the corresponding drop-down