

Picasa writes keywords inside the EXIF headers of your files, so they stay with your pictures. We recommend using the caption feature to record your stories, but if you just want to add a single word, you can do that too.


To add a keyword:

  1. Select the picture or pictures to which you want to add a keyword

  2. Choose View>Keywords or type CTRL+K to open the Keywords window

  3. Type some keywords and click Add.

  4. When you have finished adding keywords, click OK to close the window.


To remove a keyword:

  1. Select the picture or pictures from which you want to remove the keyword

  2. Choose View>Keywords or type CTRL+K to open the Keywords window

  3. Highlight the keyword you wish to remove. Click Remove.

  4. When you have finished removing keywords, click OK to close the window.


To find a picture containing a keyword:

  1. In the Picture Library, type the text of the keyword you are looking for.

  2. As you type more text, pictures without that text will disappear and you should see the picture you are looking for.