Process Supervisor
(c)2003 Bitsum Technologies,
Authored by Jeremy Collake

Topic: Process Supervisor Components


Process Supervisor consists of several components that the user should familiarize his or her self with so that he or she may take full advantage of all that this application has to offer. The core engine is separated from the GUI so that it may be easily installed on a network where the client machines may not need the GUI or the server may not need the core engine. The primary applications are listed in the following table.

Component Name Filename Brief Description
Process Supervisor GUI ProcessSupervisor.exe The user interface and management console. This the graphical user interface that serves the purposes of configuring the product, manually managing processes, and displaying current activity by Process Supervisor on both the local and remote machines by viewing the log file in real time. It also provides a graph to view current CPU usage and a listview containing parameters of running processes. In addition to being able to configure the Process Supervisor application, actions such as manual adjustment of process priorities and start-at-boot toggles can be performed. A notification icon of a traffic light exists in the system tray and allows for easy invocation. The GUI is optional, it does not need to be installed for proper operation of Process Governor. For usage documentation, click here.
Process Governor ProcessGovernor.exe The core engine that monitors running processes and performs appropriate actions based on the configuration. This is the core engine of Process Supervisor that watches running processes and performs actions based on the configuration loaded from the INI file created manually or with the GUI. It writes events to a log file whose path is specified in the INI file. Process Governor may be run as either a system service or a normal application. Installation of it can be modified by the InstallProcessMonitor application.
Process Governor Installer InstallProcessGovernor.exe Installation and uninstallation program for the core engine, Process Governor This application is responsible for installing or removing the Processs Governor application. It allows for it to be created as a system service or set to start at user login as a normal application. It is run automatically by the Process Supervisor setup application during the install and uninstall to take appropriate actions. It may also be invoked manually be the user at any time to change the installation configuration of Process Governor.

Other files involved in the operation and installation of Process Supervisor are listed in the table below.

Filename Description
ProcessControl.dll A COM object Bitsum Technologies authored to provide basic process services. If any third parties wish to license this COM object, please contact us.
ProSuper.ini INI file supplying configuration for Process Governor and the Process Supervisor GUI. It is automatically modified as the configuration is changed in the Process Supervisor GUI. It may also be modified manually. It is created the first time the Process Supervisor GUI or Process Governor application is run if it does not already exist. This file is loaded from the same folder as the application referencing it, ProcessGovernor.exe or ProcessSupervisor.exe, unless the command line parameter '/ConfigFile=' provides an alternate configuration file pathname.
ProcessSupervisor.chm This documentation.
MakeService.exe A small freeware application that installs Process Governor as a system service if it is configured to do so. This framework allows for Process Governor to exist as a normal win32 application but be run as a system service. This application was created specificially for Process Supervisor, but can be used to turn any wn32 application into an NT system service. To download this product free, visit . Please do not extract it from Process Supervisor to use for your own purposes and instead download the proper freeware package.
srvstub.exe Part of the MakeService application's framework. This is the actual system service, which launches Process Governor thus running it as a system service.
launchit.exe A small application that provides some services for the installer. It is not used elsewhere.