"Extra Drive Creator" * README FILE * Version 4.7 http://www.extradrivecreator.com/ support@wintools.net CONTENTS: 1. What is "Extra Drive Creator"? 2. Features 3. Version history 4. License and distribution 5. Contacts 1. What is "Extra Drive Creator"? Extra Drive Creator Pro – Suite of tools for creating Extra drives on your computer – physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided into additional partitions. The program includes tools for creating Crypted drives, Virtual CD-ROMs, virtual drives based on files, virtual drives based on folders, RAM-drives… Attention! To use this program you need the administrator rights. System requirements. OS Windows NT/2k/2k3/XP Minimum screen resolution 640x480 Pentium processor and above 16 Mb RAM 3 Mb free disk space 2. Features Extra Drive Creator contains tools: Crypted Drive – tool is used for creating Crypted drives on your computer. On this drive you can store confidential information which you`d like to keep secret from other users. The drive is crypted by 256-bit (32 symbols) password using "AES256" algorithm in real-time mode (this ensures steady protection of your data against hacking). On creating of Crypted drive on your computer the extra drive crypted by your password will appear in Explorer. At the same time the container-file with your crypted information will be created on your hard drive. Virtual CD – tool is used for creating and reading ISO-images of CD-ROMs and also for mounting them as Virual CD-ROMs on your computer. On creating Virtual CD in Explorer of your computer will appear Virtual CD-ROM and ISO-image on your hard drive on which information from created drive will be kept. File to Drive – tool is used for creating extra drive without partitioning hard drive of your computer on additional drives. This tool uses file as basis for extra drive. After creation, Windows Explorer will show an extra drive and container file on your hard drive on which will be kept information from created drive. Folder Drive – tool is used for creating an extra drive without creating more partitions on the hard drive of your computer. This tool uses a folder as a basis for the extra drive and serves for making access to frequently used folders of your computer more easy. After creation, Windows Explorer will show an extra drive and container on your computer will appear extra drive which will show the content of the selected folder. RAM Drive – tool is used for creating an extra drive without creating more partitions on the hard drive of your computer. This tool uses RAM memory as a basis for an extra drive. All information kept on this drive will be lost after reboot of your computer. Similar drives are used for storing temporary information (TEMP/TMP computer variables) or for applications which need maximum access speed to drive. 3. Version history The history of the development (+ - added feature, * - bug fix): Version 4.7 released (April 17, 2005) * RAMDisk: ~300Mb max size (restriction of memorypool) + Encrypted/VirtualCD/File2Drive - 26 drives max + lng-files was updated Version 4.5 released (March 27, 2005) * problem with startup checkboxes was fixed (thanks to Troy Forman) * problem with "0 Mb" size of RAMDisk was fixed * RAMDisk 128Mb max size (restriction of WinXP architecture) + "format disk" algorithm was updated + lng-files was updated Version 4.3 released (February 15, 2005) * max size of image files was increased * problem with interface under Win2000 was fixed * problem with instalation of RAM Drive under WinXP was fixed + lng-files was updated Version 4.1 released (January 25, 2005) * max size of RAM drive was increased + arabic.lng was added + norwegian.lng was added + portuguese.lng was added + ukrainian.lng was added Version 4.0 released (November 25, 2004) + program interface was updated and refreshed + check if RAM driver is not installed + some dialogs was updated * problem with Extra drives status was fixed * blinks in RAM Drive bar was eliminated * full pathes for Extra drives * some mistakes was fixed Version 3.3 released (September 23, 2004) + added "Delete" point for "File" menu + added "Reboot" point for "Action" menu + dialog boxes was changed + warning in process of creating if container file is exists + don`t ask about container removing if container is absent + "clean" pathes in Drive Explorer + removing of containers in Recycle Bin by default + default pathes for drives + minor changes of interface + spanish.lng was added thanks for Miguel + hungarian.lng was added thanks for Jozsef Tamas Herczeg Version 3.1 released (August 25, 2004) + added help files + added russian.lng language file - fixed bug with driver installation Version 3.0 released (August 03, 2004) + list Additional Info was added - fixed bug in installer Version 2.7 released (July 25, 2004) + added "Action" poin menu + added global startup option + added graphic box in RAM Drive tool + added Disable button in RAM Drive Version 2.5 released (July 17, 2004) + tool RAM Drive released + added Splash Screen Version 2.3 released (June 28, 2004) + tool Folder Drive released + added tools description Version 2.0 released (June 09, 2004) + tool File to Drive released + added Status column in lists Version 1.7 released (May 17, 2004) + tool Virtual CD-ROM released + added Password button in Crypted drive Version 1.5 released (April 22, 2004) + tool Crypted Drive released - fixed window resize bug Version 1.3 released (April 02, 2004) + spanish.lng was added + extended drive explorer + minor interface changes - fixed problem with Window Maximize Version 1.0 released (March 31, 2004) + interactive lists + multilanguage support + drive explorer + resize support + saving window size and position Feel free to send suggestions for features you want to be implemented in "Extra Drive Creator". 4. License and distribution See license.txt. 5. Contacts WinTools Software Engineering, Ltd. Please don't hesitate to send your questions and suggestions regarding WinTools.net to e-mail: support@wintools.net Phone: + 375 29 7 231 337 Official web site: http://www.extradrivecreator.com/