100 azext 11142 Ex&tract to... 11143 Extract &here 11144 Extract to folder .\ 11145 Extract to 11146 Add to A&rchive... 11147 Add to .zip 11148 &Compress and email... 11149 Extract here &using file names for folders 11157 Extract to folder 11158 _drive 11159 A&dd to 11160 Extract to &folder 11161 Extract all files in this archive 11162 Extract all files in this archive in the current folder 11163 Extract all files in this archive to folder %s 11164 Extract all files in this archive to folder %s 11165 Add selected items to Zip file 11166 Add selected items to archive %s 11167 Add selected files to a temporary archive %s and email it 11169 Modified date: 11170 Compression ratio: 11171 Archive size: 11172 Unpacked size: 11173 List files 11174 Files/Folders in archive: 11175 Ext&ract to folder(filename) 11176 Do you want to append archive name as subfolder name, i.e. to extract to\n\n 11177 &Compress and email