How to register |
You can order Vidmex software by RegSoft Secure Order from Vidmex web page:
Order page:
Payments are handled by RegSoft, popular registration service on the Internet. The ordering pages are on a secure web site that encrypts all transmitted credit card data according to the secure HTTP protocol. Regsoft supports On-Line Ordering, FAX Ordering, Postal Mail Ordering, Phone Ordering etc.
Price: $ 13.00
After accepting the registration fee you will receive your registration code by e-mail in 12-24 hours or within several days.
After that, you can register: Options -> About -> Registration
When you order Vidmex you will receive:
-Vidmex program without limitations.
Duration of extracted video fragment is unlimited.
Duration of extracted audio fragment is unlimited.
Duration of joined video fragments is unlimited.
Duration of joined audio fragments is unlimited.
Duration of mixed video fragments is unlimited.
Duration of mixed audio fragments is unlimited.
Possibility to extract images.
-Free future versions
-Free email based technical support for as long as you need it
Copyright (c) Gromkov's Software 2001-2005