- This person is equally both self-contained and willing to be discovered. Good social adaptation, latitude of concerns. Some shyness is possible.
- Flaccidity, depression. An unbalance and instability of a nervous system. Impracticality to family life in women.
- Skeptical relation to life. More pessimistic than optimistic. A person acutely feels the impacts of destiny on him/herself.
- Predilection to disputes and adventures, aggressiveness and light-mindedness.
- More of an altruist than an egoist. Has a predilection to community work. However, often his/her altruism results to be only mask.
- Colde attitude to the people. Roughness, impudence and suspiciousness, forgetfulness of public values, often envious.
- Low functionability because of lack of concentration and attention.
- Ruse, slyness. Conscientious. Sometimes the person does not follow the generally accepted moral standards.
- The capacity to generation of ideas is possible.
- Large confidence of itself, and excessive self-control. The high self-rating is characteristic for the chiefs and creative workers.
- Capability to influence the acts. Sometimes he/she is more exacting to itself than to other.
- Good sense of humor.
- Bad luck practically in all.
- Normal sex activity.