Digital Physiognomy  is shareware software. It costs $17.00(US), and upgrades are free. Please check program's web site for the latest version and prices.

Why register

How to purchase

To order the program, click a 'Buy now' link and fill in an order form with 3 steps. You will receive registration details immediately to your mail box.

Buy now

NOTE: Registration code and instructions will be sent via e-mail. It is essential that you provide an accurate e-mail address. Your e-mail address is confidential and will never be provided to a third party.

After registration

After registration you will get registration code. To enter registration code, click <Register...> in <Help> menu. A register dialog box will pop-up. Input your registration code. The best way not to make a mistake entering this data is to use copy and paste. Click Ok button.

Information for customers

There are several convenient ways to purchase Digital Physiognomy:

You can contact RegNow support team:

Toll Free: 877-353-7297
Regular: 425-392-2294

Toll Free: 888-353-7276
Regular: 425-392-0223

PO Box 1816 Issaquah, WA 98027 United States of America

If you have a problem with registration contact author.