The Toolbar

The toolbar is close to the top of the main window. You can see what each button does by holding your cursor over it for a second or so. Each button on the toolbar is a shortcut to a menu item except the update button. These buttons are simply an easy and direct path to their functions rather than having to go through several different menus or dialog windows to access these same functions.

Here are all the buttons found on the Toolbar:


Button Function Corresponding Menu Path
Changes Outpost Firewall's overall Policy Options | Policy
Accesses the Options dialog window Options
Changes the items a listing is grouped by View | Group by
Narrows a log listing to events within a specified time View | Filter by time

Checks for an update of Outpost FirewallÆs plug-ins or components

Tools | Agnitum Update

Opens Outpost Log Viewer that displays the logs

Tools | Log Viewerà

Activates Outpost FirewallÆs Context Help feature

Help | Context Help


Only some of these buttons are visible (active) at any one time, depending on what is highlighted in the Left Panel or the Information Panel.