Miscellaneous Options

To open Outpost Firewall's miscellaneous options window:

  1. Go to Options menu

  2. Click General.

In the Miscellaneous area of the dialog is where you can select or deselect to have Outpost Firewall start automatically whenever your computer first starts. Select Minimize to System Tray to not have a button placed on the task bar for Outpost Firewall's main window whenever it is minimized. Instead of this, to see Outpost Firewall's main window, simply double-click on its system tray icon or right click on it and select Show Outpost Firewall.

If Minimize main window on close is selected, then whenever you click on the close button only Outpost Firewall's dialog window will close, not the firewall. In this case, to close Outpost Firewall, right-click on its system tray icon and select Exit or Exit and Shutdown Outpost.