Outpost Panels

The Left Panel and Information Panel are similar to the left and right panels of Windows Explorer. The Left Panel is a listing of the components and the Information Panel gives specific data about any component highlighted in the Left Panel.

There are two groups of objects shown in the Left Panel.

As with Windows Explorer, any line that starts with a plus sign (+) can be expanded to show each of its subcategories. Any line starting with a minus sign (-) shows that the line has already been expanded. By clicking on the minus sign, all of its subcomponents can be hidden so only the type of component is displayed to conserve screen space.

Selecting the My Internet from the tree takes you to the screen that displays information about current license key, latest security news from Agnitum and provides easy access to the Outpost configuration settings.


If you don not wish to view the Agnitum site news, right-click My Internet and clear the Enable news download option.

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