NAT32 supports the use of the * and @ characters as wildcards in URLs passed to the web command or entered in the "View a Web Page" dialog box:
A wildcard character can appear any number of times anywhere in the
typed URL.
A temporary file url.htm is first generated, containing a series
of links produced by substituting digits in the range 0..9 for each *
encountered in the original URL, and letters in the range a..z for each @
encountered in the original URL. That file is subsequently displayed.
The URL*.jpg would expand to 10 references to the following images: displayed page would then consist of those 10 images.
The URL would expand to 26 links to the following files: displayed page would then consist of a set of 26 links that can be clicked to be viewed.
Because wildcard expansion is recursive, specifying * once will generate 10 references, twice will generate 100 references, and so on. Overuse of wildcards within image links will result in heavy network traffic.
The wildcard feature is particularly useful when combined with Image Searches. When open access is found to files with names like image36.jpg, then specifying a link containing image**.jpg will download all available files in that range.