Reference Manual

HOW TO set up Asheron's Call (thanks to David Bell)

Configure Asheron's Call as follows:

In the startup screen for Asheron's Call (AC) click the Settings button. In the Settings Panel, for the Port Setting To Use, select the Specific Port checkbox and then fill in the text box with a specific port number.  Whatever port number you choose, you then need to configure NAT32 for the same port number.  For each instance of AC, you will need to select a different specific port number and add mappings to NAT32 for those port numbers.  I suggest using port number 9010 for a single instance and incrementing the port number by 10 for each additional instance.

For example:

Host-1/Game-1  (IP address uses  port 9010
Host-2/Game-2  (IP address uses  port 9020
Host-3/Game-3  (IP address uses  port 9030

The mapping commands for NAT32 are then:

# AC Game-1 on Host-1 (IP addr
umap add 9010 1
ppmap add udp 9010 9010

# AC Game-2 on Host-2 (IP addr
umap add 9020 1
ppmap add udp 9020 9020

# AC Game-3 on Host-3 (IP addr
umap add 9030 1
ppmap add udp 9030 9030

The above commands could be executed by the following TCL script, which can be invoked from the NAT32 Console or from within the file startup.


# AC Mappings
if {$argc != 2} {
    error {Usage: ac IPaddress|off port}
set addr [lindex $argv 0]
set port [lindex $argv 1]
if {$addr == "off"} {
    exec "umap delete $port"
    exec "ppmap delete udp $port"
} else {
    exec "umap add $port 1"
    exec "ppmap add udp $port $addr $port"

The TCL help Page documents the special features of the NAT32 implementation of TCL.


ppmap tcl umap
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