Installing & Uninstalling Instant Document Search

To install Instant Document Search:

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Browse to the folder where you saved Instant Document Search download file.
  3. Double-click on the file
  4. In the window that appears, double-click on the file setup.exe.
  5. Follow the setup wizard's instructions:
    1. Review the program information. Click Next to continue or Cancel to terminate setup.
    2. Review the license agreement. Click "I agree" to accept terms of the license or Cancel to terminate setup. To return one step back, click the Prev. button.
    3. Specify the folder where you would like the program to be installed. If the suggested Destination folder does not satisfy you, use the Browse... button to locate a different folder. Once completed, click the Next button to continue or Cancel to terminate setup. To return one step back, click the Prev. button.
    4. Select the Start menu folder in which you would like Setup to create the program's shortcuts. Then click Next to continue or Cancel to terminate setup. To return one step back, click the Prev. button.
    5. Then click Install to proceed with installation or Cancel to terminate setup. To return one step back, click the Prev. button.
To uninstall Instant Document Search:
  1. Click Windows' Start button, then point at Programs, then point at Instant Document Search and select Uninstall.
  2. On the program's prompt for confirmation click Yes to complete uninstall or No to terminate the uninstall process.
  1. Instant Document Search can also be removed via Control Panel:
    1. In My Computer window, open Control Panel, and then select Add / Remove Programs.
    2. On the list of software, select Instant Document Search, and then click Change / Remove.
  2. When automatic uninstall is complete, browse to the program's folder with Windows Explorer and delete the program's folder or its contents manually.
See also:

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