Motion estimation


Comparison functions:

  • SAD - sum of absolute differences (default)
  • SSE  -sum of squared errors
  • SATD - sum of absolute hadamard transformed differences
  • DCT - sum of absolute dct transformed differences
  • PSNR - sum of the squared quantization errors
  • ZERO

Warning: chroma doesn't work with b frames currently

Tip: SAD is fast, SATD is good

Tip2: when using SATD for full pel search you should use a larger diamond something like dia=2 or dia=4


EPZS diamond sizes:

  • -3 shape adaptive diamond with size 3
  • -2 shape adaptive diamond with size 2
  • -1 experimental
  • 1 normal size=1 diamond (default) =EPZS type diamond
  • 2 normal size=2 diamond
  • ...

Tip: the shape adaptive stuff seems to be faster at the same quality

Note: the sizes of the normal diamonds and shape adaptive ones dont have the same meaning


Last predictor count:

Amount of motion predictors from the previous frame

  • 0 (default)
  • a -> will use 2a+1 x 2a+1 MB square of MV predictors from the previous frame, a should be <99