\n'); } function interfata_DoFSCommand(command, arg) { if(command == "openLink") { //alert(arg) opn(arg); } var args = parseStr(arg); if (command == "register"){ //fscommand ("register",this.filmDiv+s+this); document.all[args[0]].flashMaster=args[1]; } else if (command == "load") { //fscommand("load",div+s+film+s+x+s+y+s+width+s+height+loop); mpx = parseInt (args[2]); mpy = parseInt (args[3]); mpwidth = parseInt (args[4]); mpheight = parseInt (args[5]); _film_curent_url=args[1]; var t =mpy * yRatio + FlashTop with (document.all[args[0]].children[0]){ stretchToFit=true; URL=args[1]; if (args[6]==1){ settings.setMode('loop',true); } else { settings.setMode('loop',false); } width =mpwidth * xRatio; height =mpwidth * yRatio; } with (document.all[args[0]]){ style.left =mpx * xRatio + FlashLeft; style.top = mpy * yRatio + FlashTop; style.width = mpwidth * xRatio; style.heigth = mpheight * yRatio; style.visibility="visible"; } resizeContent(); } else if (command == "play"){ //fscommand("play",this.filmDiv); document.all[args[0]].children[0].controls.play(); } else if (command == "pause"){ //fscommand("pause",this.filmDiv); document.all[args[0]].children[0].controls.pause(); } else if (command == "stop"){ //fscommand("stop",this.filmDiv); document.all[args[0]].children[0].controls.stop(); } else if (command == "setCurrentMarker"){ if(document.all[args[0]].children[0].currentMedia && document.all[args[0]].children[0].currentMedia.markerCount >= args[1]) { document.all[args[0]].children[0].controls.currentMarker = args[1]; } document.all[args[0]].children[0].controls.pause(); } else if (command == "loop") { //fscommand ("loop",this.filmDiv+s+0); document.all[args[0]].children[0].settings.setMode('loop',true); } else if (command == "hide") { //fscommand ("hide",this.filmDiv); //filmuletzDIV.style.visibility="hidden" document.all[args[0]].children[0].close(); document.all[args[0]].style.visibility="hidden"; //document.all[args[0]].children[0].uiMode ='invisible'; } else if (command=="ascund") {ascunde(); } else if (command=="arat") {arata(); } else if (command=="initApplet"){initApplet(args[0]); } else if(command =="appletDo"){appletDo(args[0]); } else if (command=="show"){arat(); } else if (command=="close"){ this.close(); //closeApplicationAndParent(); }; } function closeApplicationAndParent() { if(!this.window.opener || this.window.opener.closed){ this.close(); return; } this.window.opener.close(); if(this.window.opener.closed) { this.close(); } } function opn(theURL) { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4) isie=true else isie=false; if (isie) { window.open( theURL , "_new", "fullscreen=1,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0"); } } function parseStr(str){ var arr = str.split ("@"); return (arr) } function initApplet(str){ //DDU: return; //End DDU appletlayer = document.all["applet"]; appletlayer.innerHTML=str; } function appletDo(numar){ //DDU: return; //End DDU appletlayer = document.all["applet"]; if(numar==0) { appletlayer.style.visibility="hidden"; } else { appletlayer.style.visibility="visible"; } } function arat() { mpStatus--; if (mpStatus==0 ){ if (filmuletz.playState==2 && mpStatusI==1){ filmuletz.controls.play(); mpStatusI=0;} } else if (mpStatus>0){ return;} filmuletzDIV.style.visibility="visible"; } function ascunde() { if (filmuletz.playState==3){ mpStatusI=1; filmuletz.controls.pause();} mpStatus++; filmuletzDIV.style.visibility="hidden"; } function resizeContent() { var dx = document.body.clientWidth; var dy = document.body.clientHeight; if(dx/1024 > dy/768) { FlashWidth = dy / 768 * 1024; FlashHeigth = dy; FlashLeft = (dx - dy / 768 * 1024) / 2; FlashTop = 0; } else { FlashWidth = dx FlashHeigth = dx / 1024 * 768; FlashLeft = 0; FlashTop = (dy - dx / 1024 * 768) / 2; } //Flash interface position and size: flash.style.left = FlashLeft; flash.style.top = FlashTop; interfata.style.width = FlashWidth; interfata.style.height = FlashHeigth //Media Player position and size: xRatio = FlashWidth/1024; yRatio = FlashHeigth/768; //java //applet.style.left = FlashLeft; //applet.style.top = FlashTop+40*yRatio; var newMPx = mpx*xRatio + FlashLeft ; var newMPy = mpy*yRatio + FlashTop; var newMPwidth = mpwidth*xRatio; var newMPheight = mpheight*yRatio; filmuletzDIV.style.left = newMPx; filmuletzDIV.style.top = newMPy; filmuletzDIV.style.width = newMPwidth; filmuletzDIV.style.height = newMPheight; filmuletz.width = newMPwidth; filmuletz.height = newMPheight; } //Test the required screen resolution here: function testScreenRes() { var screenWidth = window.screen.width; var screenHight = window.screen.height; if(screenWidth != 1024 || screenHight != 768) alert('Acest material educational este conceput pentru o rezolutie a ecranului de 1024 pe 768 pixeli. \nUtilizarea lui pe orice alta rezolutie este suboptimala. \nDe aceea, va recomandam sa schimbati rezolutia ecranului la 1024 pe 768 pixeli!'); } var enableStatusEvent = true; function incarca_film(url_nou, left_nou, top_nou, width_nou, height_nou) { mpx = left_nou * xRatio; mpy = top_nou * yRatio; mpwidth = width_nou * xRatio; mpheight = height_nou * yRatio; _film_curent_url = url_nou; arata(); } function arata() { filmuletz.URL = _film_curent_url; filmuletz.settings.setMode('loop',false); //skimba('filmuletz','zIndex',4); filmuletzDIV.style.left = mpx; filmuletzDIV.style.top = mpy; filmuletzDIV.style.width = mpwidth; filmuletz.width=mpwidth; filmuletzDIV.style.heigth = mpheight; filmuletzDIV.style.visibility="visible"; enableStatusEvent = true; playf(); } function pauzaf() { filmuletz.controls.pause(); } function playf() { filmuletz.controls.play(); } function init(){ //filmuletz.DoubleClick.returnValue=false; }