Graphical FreeDOS installer v2.1-GR What's new: + Bugs fixed. Now we ignore configuration errors. + Some switches added. + Support for *.ini files to configure packages added and updating fdauto.bat and fdconfig.sys according to the settings in *.ini files and freedos.ini file. + Installer creates directory INSTBASE and has a possibility to uninstall packages (update FreeDOS installation) using switch /change + Installer sets the variable fdosdir (that indicates destination directory) and adds it to fdauto.bat Copyright (c) 2003 Sergey Kozlovich (Riga, Latvia - GMT+2). e-mail (English/Russian/Latvian): Compiled by FreePASCAL installer doesn't more require any images or fonts - they are linked into *.exe file. Uses library GUI (also by Sergey Kozlovich) to provide Graphical User Interface. GUI can be downloaded from: To compile do these steps: -------------------------- - FreePascal should be installed and should be accessible from the PATH variable; - if gui\ subdirectory doesn't exist in this archive, download gui from the site above and extract the archive to the directory where the sources of installer are located (this will make a subdirectory gui); - run build_fp.bat or make_fp.bat What is necessary to run installer: ----------------------------------- o install.exe (may be compressed with UPX or PKLITE) o textinst.exe (default text-mode installer; you may redefine it using switches - see below) o licence.txt o mouse driver loaded (ctmouse2.exe works fine) o if it adviced to load disk bufferring software (e.g. SMARTDRV) and/or to specify BUFFERS=50 in fdconfig.sys o files install.dat and install.min must be in the current directory and the directory EN\ with descriptions of disks should also be there; o *.lsm files that are used to show information about package to user when he/she is seleceting packages to install (if *.lsm file is not found user may not know what does the package stay for and does he/she need it); if you install from CD, all *.lsm files can be read and we can get info about all the packages; but installing from floppies we can't do that becase *.lsm files are situated on different floppies; I recommend to use lsm.exe program (call it with one parameter that is a directory with packages). This program will search recursively for *.lsm files and will create lsm.ini file containing information about packages; Now, if graphical installer won't find *.lsm file, it can get info from lsm.ini file; lsm.ini file can be situated in the current directory (where install.exe is located) or in the directory with packages if you are installing from floppies, we can put lsm.ini to the first floppy: and we can get info about ALL the packages! Optional for Graphical installer (not supported by standart text-installer): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- o freedos.ini file in current directory (where install.exe is located) or in the directory where packages are located (source path) see the default freedos.ini for example !!! graphical installer can modify files fdauto.bat and fdconfig.sys; it uses keys FDAUTO1=..., FDAUTO2=..., etc. and FDCONFIG1=..., FDCONFIG2=..., etc. from freedos.ini to add lines to fdauto.bat and fdconfig.sys; So, if you use graphical installer, please, do not re-create fdauto.bat and fdconfig.sys files. The best solution, I think, is to check if graphical installer was used (i.e. if variable "%GUI_inst%"=="true" or %fdosdir%\instbase\freedos.log file exists) then we don't create fdauto.bat and fdconfig.sys, otherwise, we do. You can specify configuration files using AUTOFILE=... and CFGFILE=... parameters in freedos.ini. You can call a command after the install has finished; set this option using POSTINSTALL=... parameter in file freedos.ini. This will work also to other packages that need post-install (e.g. seal). Set this option in file .ini (see below). Post-install commands are added to the queue, and executed after GUI has finished. The first command is that was specified in file freedos.ini. o .ini file; not required for each package, but is useful for packages that need to add paths/environment variables or to add some strings to fdauto.bat/fdconfig.sys some of the packages is better to install to a specified folder (not the default like C:\FDOS), e.g. DJGPP may be installed in D:\DJGPP and not in C:\FDOS\DJGPP. you may also specify the default destination directory in file .ini Example: you have to use a special configuration for package DJGPP (i.e. to install DJGPP to a separate directory and set up variable DJDIR in fdauto.bat) create a file called djgpp214.ini (if zip-file is see for example packages\djgpp214.ini in this archive; put the file to the directory on cd or floppy where and djgpp214.lsm are located; See for more examples in packages\ directory of this archive. variables that can be used in *.ini files: %DIRECTORY% - the target directory of the package (the main configuration of FreeDOS is stored in file freedos.ini) %AUTOFILE% - e.g. c:\freedos\fdauto.bat or c:\autoexec.bat depending on settings %CFGFILE% - e.g. c:\fdconfig.sys or c:\config.sys depending on settings o It is recommended to load mouse driver while booting. Install can work with or without mouse (if second you may use all the same keys as in Windows to swith between the items - TAB/SHIFT+TAB/UP ARROW/DOWN ARROW, etc. to check/uncheck the item, press SPACEBAR). o It is recommended to load also disk buffering software (like SMARTDRV). Command-line parameters (case insensitive): ------------------------------------------- The parameters listed below may be passed in the command line while executing Graphical FreeDOS installer: /df filename - specify DAT-file name ( default: INSTALL.DAT ) /logfile filename - sprecift LOG-file name ( default: INSTALL.LOG ) /nolog - don't create LOG-file /nobase - don't create installation database (for uninstalling packages) /mono - used only if the user starts Text-mode installer /noask - don't ask which graphic/text mode to use; if this option is specified the 640x480x16colors mode will be used /auto - automatically install FreeDOS with no questions if all is O.K. if the error occurs, the dialog box will be displayed Some windows will wail 5 sec. to allow user to press something. If there are no errors and user presses nothing, the install program will install FreeDOS with the default options and exit. /src path - specify source path /dst path - specify destination path /noevery or /dontshowfilenames - don't show the name of each file while extracting /nocancel - don't allow to break copying process /textinstall programname - specify the name of text-install program ( default: textinst.exe ) /licence filename - specify the filename of licence agreement ( default: licence.txt ) /acceptlicence - accept licence /overwrite - don't ask for overwrite and overwrite existing files /keepfiles - don't ask for overwrite and keep existing files /change - this option allows to modify the existing FreeDOS installation and deinstall some packages! This options uses files from directory %fdosdir%\instbase If the installation program tells that it couldn't read installation database, please, verify that you have inserted the installation disk to the same drive where it was during install. If FreeDOS source path was change, please, change it in configuration file %fdosdir%\instbase\freedos.log /theme dir-name - use GUI theme that is located in directory (e.g. /theme linux.thm here: in directory linux.thm should be file with the same name linux.thm and bmp-images that are used in theme) theme will be loaded only in 16-bit graphic mode; if we cannot open theme, it is not loaded and default buttons/forms/checkboxes are used; Install program sets the environment variable fdosdir (and adds it to fdauto.bat). This variable is a directory name where FreeDOS is installed without end slash. It adds also variables %autofile%, %cfgfile% and %GUI_inst%: autofile==c:\autoexec.bat or path\fdauto.bat (specified in freedos.ini) cfgfile==c:\fdconfig.sys or c:\config.sys (specified in freedos.ini) GUI_inst==true. These variables will not remain after reboot. If you want to set them permanent you have to configure freedos.ini and add appropriate line to %AUTOFILE% If you want to check if Graphical Installer was used, you may do the following things: if "GUI_inst"=="true" echo Graphical installer WAS used if "GUI_inst"=="" echo Graphical installer was NOT used or if exist %fdosdir%\INSTBASE\freedos.log echo Graphical installer WAS used if not exist %fdosdir%\INSTBASE\freedos.log echo Graphical installer was NOT used P.S. Sorry for possible errors in my English :)