0.0:;for help on commands, see file config.sys in your FreeDOS directory 0.1:;www.benq.com/ss_download/drivers/storage/cd-rom/drivers/dos/apicd214.exe 0.2:;below is a demonstration of the FreeDOS multi-configuration menu system. 0.3:!LASTDRIVE=Z 0.4:!BUFFERS=20 0.5:!FILES=40 0.6:!DOS=HIGH,UMB 0.7:!DOSDATA=UMB 0.8:!set dircmd=/ogn 0.9:!MENUCOLOR=7,0 0.10:MENUDEFAULT=1,5 # x.yz where y is the CPU generation (8086/80186=1, 80286=2, 80386+=3), # z starts at *1* ; x starts at 0 (config.sys) 0.11:MENU 1 - Load FreeDOS 0.12:1?ECHO To free more RAM in order to start a program, 0.13:1?ECHO Use following command: CALL /S program.exe /parameters # 286-specific 0.21:MENU 1 - Load FreeDOS including HIMEM XMS-memory driver 0.22:MENU 2 - Load FreeDOS without drivers # 386-specific 0.31:MENU 1 - Load FreeDOS including HIMEM XMS-memory driver 0.32:MENU 2 - Load FreeDOS with maximum RAM free, using EMM386 0.33:MENU 3 - Load FreeDOS without drivers # autoexec.bat 2.0:@echo off 2.1:set PATH=%dosdir%\\bin 2.2:set NLSDIR=%dosdir%\\NLS 2.3:set temp=%dosdir%\\temp 2.4:set tmp=%dosdir%\\temp 2.5:SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 2.6:REM LH DISPLAY CON=(EGA,,1) 2.7:REM MODE CON CP PREP=((858) %dosdir%\\cpi\\EGA.CPI) 2.8:REM MODE CON CP SEL=858 2.11:rem 2.21:rem 2.31:Shsucdx /D:?FDCD0001 /D:?FDCD0002 /D:?FDCD0003 # offtopic: now create SHELL= line! 3.0:FreeDOS beta9 ("Methusalem") cdrom distribution. 3.1:ÿ 3.2:Performing post installation steps: 3.3:Trying to install mouse support (may hang your computer) 3.4:Mouse support succesfully installed!