This list is far from complete. Please e-mail me with comments. APPEND 3.3,X /X syntax extended, /PATH added 5.0 ASSIGN 2.0,X (Fundamentally unchanged) ATTRIB 3.0,X H and S attribs added 5.0 BACKUP 2.0,X Removed 6.0, replaced with MSBACKUP (crippled Norton Backup) CHKDSK 1.0,X /F, /V added 2.0 CHOICE 6.0,X (Fundamentally unchanged) The program, for some strange reason, checks for DOS 4 (!) as the minimum OS required. However, I have cajoled it into running on DOSPLUS, which claims DOS 2.11 compatibility (and isn't too good at that either). COMP 1.0,X Rewritten 5.0, switches were not supported before then Removed 6.0 DEBUG 1.0,X Mini-assembler added 2.0 DEFRAG 6.0,X (Fundamentally unchanged) DELTREE 6.0,X (Fundamentally unchanged) DISKCOMP 1.0,X /1 added 1.1, /8 added 2.0 DISKCOPY 1.0,X /1 added 1.1, /8 added 2.0 DISPLAY.SYS 3.3,D (Fundamentally unchanged) DRIVER.SYS 3.2,D (Fundamentally unchanged) FASTHELP 5.0,X (was called HELP in 5; current name from 6.0) FASTOPEN 3.3,X (Fundamentally unchanged) FC 2.11,X (Fundamentally unchanged) "Special Edition Using MS-DOS 6.22 Second Edition" says this is new to 3.3 - sorry, but that's false. Before IBM DOS 5.0, it was only included with Microsoft's version of DOS; however, I have found FC in Tandy, Osborne and Victor OEM versions of DOS 2.11. It was certainly not included in DOS 1.25, although a similar program called FILCOM is present in the Corona OEM and bears a Microsoft copyright. I also spotted FC in Seiko-Epson MS-DOS 3.2. FDISK 2.0,X This wasn't included in a lot of early OEM versions of DOS (prior to 3.2, anyway). Some OEMs rolled their own FDISK replacements, such as Zenith. IBM uses a different codebase from MS, although their programs are similar in interface. FIND 2.0,X (Fundamentally unchanged until PC DOS 7) FORMAT 1.0,X /V modified 4.0 /Q, /U added 5.0 /N, /T added 3.3 /8 added 2.0 /4 added 3.1 /1 added 1.1 Undocumented switch /H in DOS 3.30 only? Undocumented switches /AUTOTEST, /BACKUP, /SELECT in 4.0 and later; some combinations of these switches do not work in 4.0-6.22 or in 95> but do work in PC DOS 7. Prior to version 2, the syntax for FORMAT varied dramatically from machine to machine. Zenith MS-DOS 1.25 had a whole slew of options that were not in standard FORMAT; one /C option looked to be similar to the /Q option provided in DOS 5! GRAFTABL 3.0,X Removed 6.0 GRAPHICS 2.0,X Some formats and switches added around DOS 3.2? Extended with additional formats and external config file in DOS 4.0 HELP 6.0,X JOIN 3.2,X KBDBUF.SYS DOS 6 Supplemental,D KEYB 3.3,X LABEL 3.0,X MEM 4.0,X Rewritten for DOS 5. DOS 4 accepts the /DEBUG, /PROGRAM switches; DOS 5 takes these plus /CLASSIFY; DOS 6 removes /PROGRAM and adds /PAGE, /FREE and /MODULE module. All switches can be abbreviated to one letter. MODE 1.1,X Over time, MODE has evolved to support new DOS features. This are frequent and I am not going to mention the differences from version to version. There are also so many different functions, and I expect these are well-known already. MORE 2.0,X Windows 95 takes an optional filename; AFAIK no other versions of DOS support that syntax (FD excluded). Also, in DR DOS, MORE is an internal command (!). MOVE 6.0,X MSCDEX 6.0,X MSD 6.0,X MSHERC 5.0,X Only in 5.0 and various versions of MS compiled BASIC This program provides a BIOS extension (mode 8 for int10?) which can be used to easily access the graphics mode on the Hercules video adapter. It has no use on other systems. There is one switch, /HALF, which prevents the CGA memory area from being used as Hercules memory (?). It is mainly for programs written in variants of QuickBasic 4 and later (including VBDOS 1 and QBasic). NLSFUNC 3.3,X PRINT 2.0,X RECOVER 2.0,X This is so dangerous that it's not even on DOS 6's Supplemental Disk! Actually, SCANDISK has assumed the functionality of RECOVER and does a much better job. REPLACE 3.2,X RESTORE 2.0,X SCANDISK 6.2,X SORT 2.0,X SUBST 3.1,X SYS 1.0,X Before DOS 5, COMMAND.COM was not copied by SYS. There are additional restrictions prior to DOS 4. TREE 2.0,X Rewritten 4.0 UNDELETE 5.0,X Crippled except in PC DOS 7 UNFORMAT 5.0,X XCOPY 3.2,X