Installing the program on your computer

In order to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal on your computer, run kavsetup.exe from the installation CD.
The installation wizard operates in an interactive mode. Each dialog box has the following buttons that you can use to navigate through the installation process:
A detailed discussion of each step of the installation process is provided below.
Step 1. Checking the version of the operating system installed on your computer
Before the program is installed, your operating system and Service Packs will be checked for conformity to the software system requirements for the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal installation.
Should the program determine that any of the required Service Packs is not installed on your computer, a message will be displayed. Install the required Service Pack using Windows Update and try to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal again.
Step 2. Search for other anti-virus software

This step of the installation process is required only if there is other anti-virus software installed on your computer.
The next step of preparation for program installation involves a search for other installed anti-virus software (including Kaspersky Labs programs). This is performed because the simultaneous use of these programs with Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal may cause conflicts.
If an earlier version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus (for instance Version 4.5) is found installed on your computer, a message will be displayed with an instruction to uninstall this program as its simultaneous use with Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal is impossible.
Click OK button and uninstall the earlier version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus, then run kavsetup.exe.
If any anti-virus software from a different vendor is found installed on your computer, a message will be displayed with a recommendation to uninstall this program before proceeding with the installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal.
We recommend that you cancel the installation and uninstall such program(s). To do this click the No button, uninstall the program(s), then run kavsetup.exe.
If it is determined that Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal has already been installed on your computer, a message will be displayed with a warning that if you proceed with the installation, the program that was installed earlier will be overwritten by the program you are installing now.
Step 3. Start the Installation Wizard
If no other anti-virus software is found installed on you computer, immediately after kavsetup.exe was run, a dialog box will open to inform you that the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal installation wizard has been started.
To proceed with the installation, click Next>. To cancel the installation, click Cancel.
Step 4. Read the license agreement
The next dialog box contains a License Agreement between you and Kaspersky Labs Ltd. Read it carefully and click I Agree if you agree with all terms and conditions of the Agreement. The installation process will continue.
Step 5. Provide user information
At this point the username and the user's company name will be determined. Default information will be copied from the operating system registry and you can alter it if you wish.
In order to proceed with the installation, click Next>.
Step 6. Read important information about the program
During this stage of the installation process you will be asked to read important information about the program before you start using it.
This dialog box contains information about major features, capabilities etc. of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal.
After you read this information, click Next >.
Step 7. Install the license key
Perform this step only if the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Installation Wizard fails to find the key file automatically!
During this step, the license key for Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal will be installed. The license key is your personal "key" that stores all service information required for proper full-featured operation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal, namely:
The program will not work without the license key.
Enter the license key in a standard Select File dialog box and click Next > to proceed with the installation process.
If you do not have the license key at the time of installation (for example, if you ordered via the Internet but have not received it yet), you may install it later, when you run the program for the first time. Remember that you cannot start using Kaspersky Anti-Virus without the license key.
Step 8. Select the installation folder
During the next step of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus installation process the destination folder will be selected for the installation of the software product. The default path is: C:\ProgramFiles\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal.
In order to alter the default path click the Browse... button in the dialog box, specify a new installation folder and click Next >.
After this, Kaspersky Anti-Virus program files will be copied to your computer.
Step 9. Finish setup
A Completing the Setup dialog box informs you that installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal on your computer has been completed.
If registration of system services is required, you will be asked to restart your computer. This is a MANDATORY step for the correct completion of the program installation.

In order to complete the setup:
  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • Yes, I want to restart my computer now
      No, I will restart my computer later
  2. Click Finish.

If your computer does not need to be restarted in order to complete the setup, perform the following steps in order to finish the installation of the program:
  1. Uncheck the box Start Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal 5.0, if you do not want to enable anti-virus protection of your computer immediately after the program installation is completed.

If you uncheck this box, the anti-virus protection of your computer will be automatically enabled only after the reboot. You can manually enable anti-virus protection from the Windows main menu (Start α Programs α Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal)
  1. Click the Finish button.

Kaspersky Labs Ltd.

