Code Rip Help     

Full Screen (uncheck 'Block Popups')

Code Rip is a source code viewer that extracts the Html code from any web page, including pages protected by no-right-click scripts, Frames, etc.  Code Rip can extract and save Scripts, Styles, Meta Tags, Frames and Comments.  An added bonus is extracting Links from a page whether it is download files or pages and saving it as a Web Page with clickable links for saving or sharing.  The dual panes with a built in Web Browser allows you to view the actual page and the Html at the same time with both having Search features to find the action you're looking for.  This is an invaluable tool for web developers and beginners.

Simply enter the Url of the page and use the built in Web Browser the same as any other.  Save the entire page from the File menu as Text file or a Web Page. 

Use the Extract menu to obtain certain elements of the page.  All can be saved as a Text file except for the Links which will be saved as a Web Page with functioning links.

The 'Block Popups/New Windows' option will prevent any Popup Windows from sites you visit.  This option must be unchecked to view this Help file in a maximized Window.

A search option is provided for both panes for matching code with Html.


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