Welcome! If you can see this through your servlet engine, it means that Bugzero has been deployed.
How to deploy: If you are viewing this file locally and haven't deployed Bugzero, you should launch the setup program now and it will guide you through to configure and then deploy Bugzero. The 'setup' program is located in ../bugzero/WEB-INF. If you have deployed Bugzero but haven't done the setup, you need do so and then restart your servlet container (engine).
After deploy and setup: For paid versions, you can login as user 'admin' and start to manage projects and user accounts. For the Try version, you need use the command line 'bugzero -create demo' in the WEB-INF/bin directory to create the demo project, and then login as one of the default users (dev/dev, qa/qa, guest/guest) to create bug reports (see README for detail).
How to upgrade: For version upgrade, please read WEB-INF/upgrade.txt.