Site Groups

The use of site groups enables you to open a number of sites in one time.

<Groups> Menu

All the functions for site group operation are under <Groups> menu of the main menu.

Organize Group...
Use group organizer to manage and create site groups.

Add To Group...
Add the current site into a group with the group organizer
Save All Open Sites As Group...
Save all open sites as a group. If you save into an existing group, the existing entries will be overwritten.
[All the existing groups]
All the existing groups will be listed at the bottom of the <Groups> menu. Selecting any of them will open all of the sites contained in that group.

Group Organizer

Selecting "Groups->Group Organizer..." will activate the group organizer dialog. On the left-top part are shown all the existing groups. Click at any existing group and all the contained sites will be shown in the list box to the right. The buttons located at the left-bottom part of the dialog are for group operations. The buttons located at the right bottom part can be used to manipulate the sites within a group. The functions of the buttons are explained below,

Group Operations

Add Group: Create a new group under the selected folder
Add Folder: Create a new folder under the selected folder
Rename: Rename the selected site group or folder
Delete: Delete the selected group or folder

Site Operations

Add: Enter an address in the edit box below the site list and click 'Add' button to add it into the current group
Change: Replace the selected site with the address filled in the site edit box
Delete: Delete the selected site in the site list box from the current group
Get Current Site: Automatically fill the address of the current site in the site edit box. 

All groups are stored under the "groups" subdirectory of SlimBrowser installation directory. You can also manage all the group files(*.sgp) with Windows explorer. You can edit a group file (*.sgp) with notepad. 

Using built-in commands in a group

You can use built-in commands as a virtual site in a group. For example, you can define a group containing the following three entries,

  1. : An actual site
  2. autologin : Automatically log into Yahoo email with somebody's pre-defined login information.
  3. google SlimBrowser: search for SlimBrowser on google