How to translate SlimBrowser into your own language?

SlimBrowser user interface has been designed in the most flexible way so that it's very easy for a user to translate SlimBrowser into his own language. Just go through the following instructions,

  1. Go to SlimBrowser installation directory, switch into "language" sub-directory where you will see all the available language files.
  2. Open "English.ini" and "template.ini" in the same editor. English.ini is the English language file while template.ini is a blank template language file.
  3. Fill in your name, email and website address in the top of template.ini for the purpose of credits.
  4. Translate every word or phrase in English.ini into your own language and fill it into the corresponding entry in template.ini. Entries in different languages are associated by the same identifier. Please leave the identifiers before the '=' symbol in each line untouched.
  5. Save template.ini as a new file named "LangName.ini" where "LangName" is the name of your own language. Email that file to us and we will include it in the next release. We will add credits  for you on the homepage of SlimBrowser. :-)

Please contact us first before starting to translate. We may already get the language file from another user.