PE Builder v3 plugin help

- This document is under contruction -

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a plugin
  3. WinntDirectories section
  4. SourceDisksFiles section
  5. Software.AddReg section
  6. Software.DelReg section
  7. SetupReg.AddReg section
  8. Default.AddReg section
  9. Default.DelReg section
  10. AddLine section
  11. DelLine section
  12. SetValue section
  13. PEBuilder section


This document should help to create or modify PE Builder plugin files. The main .inf file for PE Builder is pebuilder.inf file. Please do not edit this file! If you want to change something use a plugin file. All plugins are located in the plugin directory. Every .inf file in the plugin directory (doesn't matter in which folder) with a "pebuilder" section is considered a valid plugin for PE Builder. Use the Enable/Disable button in the plugin dialog to turn plugin on/off.

Creating a plugin

A plugin .inf file must be an ascii file, not unicode. Lines starting with a ";" (semicolon) are ignored (used for comment).

Every plugin file should start with the lines shown below:
; PE Builder v3 plug-in INF file
; Created by Bart Lagerweij
; Short description of that the plugin does...

Signature= "$Windows NT$"

You should change the name, url and other settings, this is just an example...
Please note that you must include the [Version] Signature= "$Windows NT$" information. Otherwise the setupapi functions cannot open the .inf file. Please use the information below to add more section to your plugins...

WinntDirectories section

Section WinntDirectories is in the following format:
directoryID=dirname[, attribuut]

directoryIDis the directory number (id)
In plugin .inf files you can use 'a'-'z' for dynamic number assignment...
dirnameis the name of the directory. If the name contains spaces put double quotes "around it".
attributenumeric value to enable/disable some options
1 - Always create this directory (even when empty)
2 - Create dir. from (output) root (not in \i386)
Just add the values to combine...
Default value for attr is 0.

; Always create a folder in the root called "Bart"
; Create a folder in the root called "Project\Bart\Source"
; Create a folder in the i386 directory called "extra\files"

SourceDisksFiles section

The section SourceDisksFiles uses the following format:
filename=directoryID[, filenameRenamed][, attribute]

filenameis the file to copy.
directoryIDis the target directory number. These entries are taken from the [WinntDirectories] sections. See the windows layout.inf file section [WinntDirectories] for a list of standard windows directory id's.
filenameRenamedis the target filename if renaming is needed.
attributenumeric value to enable/disable some options
1 - used for pluginCheck(). Make sure that the file exists in the same directory as where the .inf file is located, before enabling or continuing.
Default value for attribute is 0.

PE Builder uses directory id's starting from 30000 Where id 30000 is used for the output root directory. 30001 and up are dynamically used by PE Builder.

Software.AddReg section

Add registry keys to the "Software" registry hive. This section is in the following format:
regType, regKey, regValue, regData

regTypespecifies the type of information to be stored as the valueÆs data. This parameter can be one of the following values:
0x0, (REG_NONE) create the key only, no value
0x1, (REG_SZ) string
0x2, (REG_EXPAND_SZ) string (with environment variable references)
0x3, (REG_BINARY) binary data
0x4, (REG_DWORD) 32-bit number
0x7, (REG_MULTI_SZ) multiple strings
* Note: must start with "0x" (lowercase)!
regKeyspecifies the name of the key as string.
regValuespecfies the name of the value as string.
regDataThe actual data.

0x1, "Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts", "Tahoma (TrueType)","TAHOMA.TTF"
0x2, "Control Panel\desktop", "WallPaper", "%systemroot%\system32\nu2.bmp"
0x3, "ControlSet001\Control\TimeZoneInformation", "DaylightStart",\
0x4, "ControlSet001\Control\GraphicsDrivers\DCI", "Timeout", 0x7
0x7, "ControlSet001\Services\VgaSave\Device0", "InstalledDisplayDrivers","vga", "framebuf", "vga256", "vga64k"

SetupReg.AddReg section

Add registry keys to the "" registry hive. Same syntax as Software.AddReg

Default.AddReg section

Add registry keys to the "Default" registry hive. Same syntax as Software.AddReg

Software.DelReg section

Delete registry keys from the "Software" registry hive. This section is in the following format: regKey[, regValue]

regKeyspecifies the name of the key (including all values) to delete as string.
regValuespecifies the name of the value to delete as string.

Default.DelReg section

Delete registry keys from the "Default" registry hive. Same syntax as Software.DelReg

AddLine section


The lines in the AddLine section have the following format:

Filenameis the filename to add a line to.
Sectionis the sectionname.
StringToAddis the line/string to add.

"netmscli.inf", "MSClient.DelReg", "HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Rpc\SecurityService, 9"

DelLine section


The lines in the DelLine section have the following format:

Filenameis the filename to add a line to.
Sectionis the sectionname.
StringToDelis the line to delete. You don't have to match exact, any lines begining with StringToDel will be deleted.

"netmscli.inf", "MSClient.Browser.AddReg", "HKR, Parameters, MaintainServerList,"

SetValue section


The lines in the SetValue section have the following format:

Filenameis the filename to set a value in.
Sectionis the sectionname.
Keyis the key to assign a value to.
Valueis the data.

"netmscli.inf", "Alerter_Service_Inst", "StartType", "3"

Use Filename,Section,Key to remove a key
Use Filename,Section to remove a complete section

PEBuilder section

If you are creating a plugin, your .inf file must have an [PEBuilder] section!
This section has the following fields:
Namethe name or description of the plugin
Enablethe state of the plugin
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
Helpthe filename of the plugins helpfile. This can be a text, html, doc, pdf or any other type of file. PE Builder uses the ShellExecute() function to start the document with its default association.

PE Builder Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Bart Lagerweij. All rights reserved.