September 2003
This documentation provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the documentation for Microsoft® Plus! Photo Story 2 LE.
Plus! Photo Story 2 LE is not supported by Microsoft Corporation and is provided as is with no warranty. For answers to frequently asked questions about Plus! Digital Media Edition features, see the Plus! Digital Media Edition FAQ. You can also post questions about Plus! Photo Story 2 LE on the public newsgroup. Other users may read and respond to your questions with suggestions of their own.
The following hardware and software are required to use Plus! Photo Story 2 LE:
Requirement: Microsoft Windows® XP Home Edition or Windows XP Professional.
Plus! Photo Story 2 LE also runs on Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition and Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.
Requirement: 400 megahertz (MHz) processor, such as an Intel Pentium or Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) processor.
Recommendation: 700 MHz processor or faster, such as a Pentium III or equivalent processor.
Requirement: 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM.
Requirement: 40 MB of free hard disk space. The actual requirements will vary based on your system configuration.
Requirement: Super VGA (800 X 600) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor.
CD-ROM drive or DVD drive, sound card, speakers or headphones, a keyboard, a Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device, and a microphone to record narration.
For a list of supported hardware and updated drivers, please visit the Windows Catalog Web site.
By default, Plus! Photo Story 2 LE is installed in the Program Files directory. If you do not have enough free disk space in the Program Files directory, an error message displays. Verify that your computer meets the system requirements for Plus! Photo Story 2 LE. For more information about the system requirements, see System requirements.
When you narrate your stories in Plus! Photo Story 2 LE, the sound card on your computer must be configured to record narration from the microphone. This configuration may affect other recording programs that record from a different audio input source. While you are using Plus! Photo Story 2 LE, it is recommended that you not start another program that may try to change the sound card configuration because unexpected results may occur.
If you select a DVD title or chapter as the background music for your story in Plus! Photo Story 2 LE, the background music may fail to play when you play back your story. It is recommended that you do not use a DVD title or chapter as the background music in a video story.
A Created with Plus! Photo Story 2 LE image appears at the end of the photo stories you create with Plus! Photo Story 2 LE. This image does not appear in the stories you create by using the full version of Plus! Photo Story 2.
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This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
GIF decompression code, copyright 1990, David Koblas. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.