root directory [also / ]
- A root directory is the lowest level that your users can get to and use on your FTP server. It's the starting point.
When you open My Computer or Windows Explorer C:\ is a root directory. It's the first level of your hard drive, labeled C:. On an FTP server, you have the ability to set up what folder is your starting point [root - / ].

virtual directory [also / ]
- A virtual directory is a directory that is used in GuildFTPd instead of the local directory. You only see virtual directories when you connect to GuildFTPd using a FTP client.
When you use a FTP client, like SmartFTP, to connect to GuildFTPd, you will see directories, like /pub or /upload. These directories may be C: \FTPdir \pub or C: \FTPdir \upload on your computer but will appear to be the only subdirectories on your server.