GuildFTPd Help Version 0.999.8.11 by xxallen (Brad Allen Palmer)
GuildFTPd Copyright ©1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Steve Poulsen and Nitro (Matthew Flewelling)
Email us at
This help file was compiled from original documentation provided by Steve and Matthew as well as HTML pages on
Additional content created by Brad.
SMC Router FAQ content provided by Bastien DOUCE.
mIRC Setup provided by Jesper.
To determine which version(s) of GuildFTPd this help file applies to, remove the numbers after the last period in the help file's version number. The remaining numbers are the version of GuildFTPd that the help file was based on. Some tips or settings may not apply to earlier versions of GuildFTPd, but most options are the same between revisions.
Please visit for updated versions of GuildFTPd as well as the most recent support information.