These tips and troubleshooting steps are organized based on the type of problem you're having. Find the error or problem symptom that most closely matches the problem you're having and try the steps listed. As you work through each problem, take your time and pay close attention to each step. There are also some general steps listed at the bottom of this page.

Why do FTP clients seem to hang during transfers or slowly taper off in speed.
How can I speed up transfer speeds?
1. You can modify the Send and Receive buffers of GuildFTPd to help improve FTP client connections. Click HERE for more detail.
Why does GuildFTPd seem to have a memory leak?
Why does GuildFTPd use more and more memory the longer I have it running?
1. GuildFTPd uses a few files that can create this symptom.
If you notice that GuildFTPd is using more and more RAM, check the sizes of the following files:
- banlist.txt
- stats.tmp
- stats.log
- syslog.txt
- default.usr
- default.opt

Which ever file has a file size that grows the most is the one causing the problem.

Most problems from file size won't occur until you reach 5-10 MB file sizes or higher.

2. Check your NIC setting (Admin menu, select Options, click the Advanced tab).
Make sure that it has a value (like 0) and that the correct IP address is showing in the gray box to the right. If there isn't an IP address listed or it's the wrong one (like for your modem, not your NIC) increase the number (from 0 to 1 or 1 to 2, etc) until the proper IP address shows up.

If the file is.....

- banlist.txt
You've got your IP Mask or AutoBan rules set up to be too restrictive. GuildFTPd is banning so many IP addresses that it's filling up the ban list and causing the RAM to get used up.

- stats.tmp / stats.log
There are so many users connecting to your FTP server in a day that the statistics are overwhelming the server. You may want to delete the stats.dll to disable the statistics plugin.

- syslog.txt
There is a lot of file uploads/download or you've got a lot of users loggging in and out of your server. It takes quite a large amount of traffic to get this file too big, so this one probably won't cause any problems.

- default.opt / default.usr
If this file is too big, let us know. It'd take quite a large number of configured users and paths for this to get big (over 2 MB) and we'd like to know if that's the case.

When I connect as a user, I get this error: "invalid or incorrect password"  
1. Check and make sure that you've entered the user and password in the same case that you entered when you set the user up. If you entered them in all upper case, you must input them into the FTP client the same way. Users and Passwords are case-sensitive and must be entered the same on the server and in the client.

If you set up the following in GuildFTPd:
user = JoeSmith
password = MyFriend
 you must enter them the exact same way on the FTP client.

2. Make sure that you've set the password correctly on the server or in the client. It is very easy to mistype the password in one place or another. Take your time and double check your typing in both places.
3. Make sure that the user is not set to Account Enable = DISABLE. - Click on the user within GuildFTPd.
- Click on the OPTIONS tab to the lower right.
- Scroll through the list and make sure that the Account Enable option is set to ENABLE.

If the check box is not checked, but the option is set to DISABLE, you may want to click on SYSTEM and check it's setting. If it's set there, you may want to change if for the entire server.

When I connect as a user, I get this error: "unable to set root path or directory"  
1. Check the paths that are in effect for the user. Look for any of the following symptoms:

- Make sure that at least one Virtual Path is listed with a setting of /
- Make sure that all Virtual Paths point to Local Folders that actually exist on your computer.
- Make sure that all Virtual Paths are at least set to the LIST attribute.

Every user must have a Virtual path of /
It doesn't matter if you set it up on the SYSTEM or a GROUP, as long as you see a Virtual Path of / when you look at the user's paths.

A Virtual Path can be compared to a shortcut. It can't point to something if it doesn't exist. Make sure that the Local Path you point your Virtual Path to actually exists on your computer.

The LIST attribute is what allows a user to see your files and directories. Without it, you won't be able to see anything.

When I try to connect to my server through my firewall/router/proxy server, I can't do a list, can't see any files or folders or get a "data socket connection error, cannot establish a connection".  
1. Make sure you've used the PASV or passive option in your FTP client. If your connection passes through more than one router or firewall, you'll need PASV or passive turned on to establish the connection successfully.
2. Determine whether or not the problem is GuildFTPd by itself or how you've set up the PASV support between GuildFTPd and your Internet Sharing Device.  A. Install a FTP client on the same computer you have GuildFTPd installed on.
 B. Connect to the server using the GuildFTPd computer's IP address, NOT your router/firewall's IP address.
 C. Make sure to NOT use the PASV or passive option in your FTP client. You want this connection to be active.
 D. Make sure to use the correct port you set GuildFTPd up on (This isn't the passive ports, this is the port in the OPTIONS tab.).
 E. Connect to the server.

If you can connect to GuildFTPd on the same computer, but can't connect from a computer outside of your personal network, there's a problem in either GuildFTPd's Advanced server options or in your router/firewall setup.

A. Double check your settings in both. Make sure you've got the correct ports forwarding to the IP address of your GuildFTPd server and make sure that GuildFTPd is using the same port range. GuildFTPd also needs to be configured with the WAN or Internet IP address of your router for it's Passive IP setting.

B. You may need to upgrade your router's firmware in order to be able to set up a range of ports to be forwarded to your server.

C. Make sure that you're trying to connect to the IP address of your router from outside your network and not the address of the GuildFTPd server.

If you can't connect to GuildFTPd on the same computer, troubleshoot the error you're seeing using tips on this chart or by researching the help file included with GuildFTPd.

3. Sometimes, it's necessary to upgrade your router's firmware. When you do upgrade your firmware, your settings may not be working even though they are showing up in the router's config. If you've got everything set up, but can't connect, you may need to reset your router. Record all of your current settings, press the reset button, unplug the router for 5 minutes, plug it back in and set it back up. Don't forget to check the syslog.txt and make sure that GuildFTPd is recording a Success audit for the ListenSocket Create and ListenSocket Listen options for your FTP port. If they aren't Success, you probably have another program running that is using the same port. You'll need to reconfigure GuildFTPd or the other program to prevent the conflict.
When I connect as a user, I can't see any files or directories. I didn't get any errors and I set up my root path to C:\ or D:\  **VERSIONS PRIOR TO 0.996**
1. Make sure you use a period after the \ when you specify a Local Path that points to the root of a drive, like C:\ or D:\


This is so that some versions of Windows can properly interpret what you want to use the root of the drive. Without the period, it doesn't have anything to display because it doesn't know what folder you want to see the contents of.


ANALYZE the SYSLOG.TXT file (it's in the same directory as GuildFTPD.exe). MORE INFO
Look for errors like ListenSocket Create/Listen Failed or user connection errors.

Look at the file sizes of some files GuildFTPd uses. SEE IN CHART ABOVE

SPY the connection. MORE INFO
- Look for errors that could indicate bad passwords, connections or point out settings that may need changed.

Double-check each server setting, one at a time.
Pay close attention to:
- Ban List
- AutoBAN on NOOP
- Enable Login setting on SYSTEM, every GROUP and every USER.
- Port
- Passive Port settings (if used)
- Max Connections / Max IP Connections / Max Account Connections are not set to a low number ( 0 = no limit ).
- Allow Logins (on Admin menu) is on (indented / pressed down).

If you're just starting and/or don't have a complex setup that can be duplicated quickly, Uninstall GuildFTPD and try walking through the Getting Started. (You could also install it to another directory and work from the "test" copy)

Check the following:
 - Antivirus on-access (real-time) scanner settings. If it's scanning every file type in heuristic mode, it could just be that it's scanning your files so much that it slows down GuildFTPd. Try excluding your installation directory from the scan (after you've installed it, of course ;)
- Make sure there isn't an updated video driver for your computer/video card. Most updated video drivers solve window lockups and some program crashes. Sounds weird?... I've seen a video driver lock up Microsoft Access at every use until I updated the video driver. That was the only change I made and it suddenly started working without a problem.
- Make sure that you haven't used up all of your hard drive space or that there are so many other programs running that you're having memory problems.

Try the SUPPORT section or FORUM.