Conseal PC Firewall Help
The following list of steps are intended to guide you through the steps of using GuildFTPD on a computer that accesses the Internet through Conseal PC Firewall. Some of the steps listed might help you configure other similar hardware or software. You'll need to be familiar with your software, so if you just purchased it, you may want to read the documentation and visit the Conseal PC Firewall web site for additional information if something isn't quite clear.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These instructions were written based on Conseal PC Firewall 2.09. If you don't have this version, these instructions may not apply.
It is assumed that your computer it directly
connected to the Internet and you do not also use a router to share your
Internet connection. If you share your Internet connection and have a router,
you'll need to set it and GuildFTPd up first. Then, you can configure the
firewall. Otherwise, you should configure GuildFTPd's Advanced option to use the
same Passive IP address that the computer has (Windows 9x/Me -> winipcfg from
RUN, Windows NT/W2K -> ipconfig /all from RUN) and then configure what ever
port range you wish to use.
- Open the ConSeal PC Firewall icon from the Start Menu or Desktop
- Click the Rules menu option
- Click on the All Network Devices tab at the top
- In the Manual section at the top, click the Add button
- Leave All Network Devices under the "Rule change applies to these
- Type in a description for this setup, like "Allow FTP port 21"
- Click NEXT
- Do not select a Service - Leave it blank
- Select TCP/IP for the Protocol
- Make sure inbound and outbound are checked
- Make sure On Match has Allow checked
- Click NEXT
- Under the Remote section at the top, make sure that All Addresses and
Temporary Range are checked
- Under the Local section, make sure My Address is checked and type in 21 for
both Port boxes
- Click NEXT
- Make sure that Rule Applies is set to Always
- It is not necessary but is recommended to at least check the Log Connection
under Options at the bottom
- Click FINISH
- In the Manual section at the top, click the Add button - again
- Leave All Network Devices under the "Rule change applies to these
- Type in a description for this setup, like "Allow FTP port
- Click NEXT
- Do not select a Service - Leave it blank
- Select TCP/IP for the Protocol
- Make sure inbound and outbound are checked
- Make sure On Match has Allow checked
- Click NEXT
- Under the Remote section at the top, make sure that All Addresses and
Temporary Range are checked
- Under the Local section, make sure My Address is checked and type in the
passive port start and end range that you've set in GuildFTPd
- Click NEXT
- Make sure that Rule Applies is set to Always
- It is not necessary but is recommended to at least check the Log Connection
under Options at the bottom
- Click FINISH
You should now be able to connect to GuildFTPd when it's running on the computer with Conseal PC Firewall 2.09 installed.
Don't forget to check the syslog.txt and make sure that GuildFTPd is recording a Success audit for the ListenSocket Create and ListenSocket Listen options for your FTP port. If they aren't Success, you probably have another program running that is using the same port. You'll need to reconfigure GuildFTPd or the other program to prevent the conflict.