Options / Attributes Defined:

* HAMMER TIME (seconds) * - The minimum time frame for users to connect.

* HAMMER COUNT * - The number of times a user can attempt to connect to the server (within the HAMMER TIME) before a user is automatically banned.

* BAN DURATION (minutes) * - How long a user is banned if they fail to connect after the number of HAMMER COUNT is reached within the HAMMER TIME.

* AUTO BAN ON NOOP * - Some FTP clients have an option known as NOOP. The NOOP command allows a user to stay connected to a FTP server even if the user isn't doing anything. Turning this on allows the server to instantly ban a user who's FTP client issues the NOOP command to stay connected.

* AUTO BAN on timeouts * - When checked, a user will be banned for 15 minutes if they do not do anything past the time limit set for idle timeout. When unchecked, a user is not banned for exceeding the idle timeout.

* on hack * - How the server should react to an attempted ls \ is executed by a client.
* Ask Me * - Kicks the user and prompts a message on the server screen on whether or not to ban the user (not recommended)
* Auto Kick * - Automatically kick the user off the server.
* Auto Kick and Ban * - Automatically kick the user off the server and ban them for the default Ban Duration.
* Do nothing * - blocks the attempt and does not allow access to the hard drive (recommended).