MAX Connections - More Detail
This page is designed to explain in more detail how the Max Connections at Level, Max IP connections and Max Acct Connections work together to limit how many times any given user account can connect to GuildFTPd from a given IP address.
Let's use the following as our starting example.
You have a very simple server set up and you've only modified the Max Connections settings.
SYSTEM - Max Connections at Level = 4 - Max IP Connections = 2 - Max Acct Connections = 2 |
The settings that are in affect for MY GROUP, JOE and ANONYMOUS are what have been set on SYSTEM because you have not checked those same OPTION boxes on either MY GROUP, JOE or ANONYMOUS; they are unchecked.
JOE can log on 2 times.
ANONYMOUS can log on 2 times.
On the same computer, JOE can log on
once and ANONYMOUS can log on once if both are connecting at
the same time or either one can log on twice.
If you change the settings for MY GROUP, those users in MY GROUP will now use it's settings.
SYSTEM - Max Connections at Level = 4 - Max IP Connections = 2 - Max Account Connections = 2 |
JOE can log on 1 time.
ANONYMOUS can log on 1 time.
On the same computer, JOE can log on
once or ANONYMOUS can log on once and both cannot be logged
on at the same time from the same computer
You can even limit each user to his/her own connection settings.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the settings on SYSTEM control the entire server. If you set Max Connections at Level = 10 on SYSTEM, that's the total number of users that can connect, no matter what other settings you use elsewhere on the server.