HTMLPad 2004 Version 5.0 Copyright © 2003-2004 by Karlis Blumentals This file contains the most important information about the HTMLPad 2004. ----- COMPATIBILITY ----- HTMLPad 2004 is compatible with * Windows 95/98/Me * Windows NT/2000 * Windows XP ----- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ----- * Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP * Windows 95/NT 4.0 must have following updates: - HTML Help - Common Control Library ----- INSTALLATION ----- * Run the installation file and follow on-screen instructions !!! IMPORTANT !!! Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 users should download and install: * HTML Help * Common Control Library You can get these files from --- PURCHASING --- * To purchase full version of the software, choose Help / Register from the Menu Bar. * The registration fees are - 25.85$ for the standard version - 38.85$ for the professional version ----- SUPPORT ----- * Online support page: * Discussion and Support forum at: * E-mail: