Data flows 
After you collect the network traffic packets, you can assemble them according to the protocols they belong to. This makes it easy for you to analyze the different Internet Protocols based on TCP flows, such as POP3 or HTTP. To do this you must first capture the packets using those protocols and then use this function to assemble those packets into flows. This is done by selecting in the main menu: Capture û Assembly Data Flows. All the packets in the buffer will be processed and all the TCP flows are displayed as in this picture.
Here are the buttons of the toolbar:
Saves the captured flow as a formatted text file (RTF) or as a raw data file contains the flow.
Changes the selection of data flow between: client and server, client only, server only.
Changes the display format between text and hexadecimal code (see below).
Finds a search string in the displayed text.
Opens the Web Browser window. Select a part of the data that you want to process, for example a block of HTML-code and click this button.
Here is an example showing an HTTP query in HEX (hexadecimal) format.
An example, how the software can render the data as the Web Browser

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