4.2. Fixing Errors (VB.NET)

#develop provides integrated error-trapping and will help you to find and fix errors in your code.

#develop will highlight errors returned from the compiler in your code, and add a task in your Tasks list to help you find where the error occurred. We'll use the previous "Hello, World!" example to illustrate the error- highlighting options in #develop.

  1. Using our existing combine, delete the "M" in Messagebox:

  2. Now we'll rebuild the combine by selecting the "Run" menu, "Re-build" option:


    Hotkey: ALT-F8 to Rebuild your combine

  3. #develop compiles your program, and automatically adds errors and warnings to your task list. To go to the code that caused your error, click on a task from the list:

  4. Fix your error by replacing the "M" (don't forget its should be a CAPITAL M!) and Rebuild your Combine. The program should compile successfully, and you can run it to make sure.