Public Instance Constructors

ZipInputStream Constructor Creates a new Zip input stream, reading a zip archive.

Public Instance Properties

CanRead (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
CanSeek (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
CanWrite (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
Length (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
Position (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.

Public Instance Methods

BeginRead (inherited from Stream)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
BeginWrite (inherited from Stream)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Close Closes the zip file.
CloseEntry Closes the current zip entry and moves to the next one.
CreateObjRef (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
EndRead (inherited from Stream)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
EndWrite (inherited from Stream)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Equals (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Flush (inherited from InflaterInputStream) Flushes the baseInputStream
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetNextEntry Open the next entry from the zip archive, and return its description. If the previous entry wasn't closed, this method will close it.
GetType (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
InitializeLifetimeService (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Read Reads a block of bytes from the current zip entry.
ReadByte Reads a byte from the current zip entry.
Seek (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
SetLength (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
Skip (inherited from InflaterInputStream) Skip specified number of bytes of uncompressed data
ToString (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Write (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.
WriteByte (inherited from InflaterInputStream) I needed to implement the abstract member.

Protected Instance Fields


Protected Instance Methods

CreateWaitHandle (inherited from Stream)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Fill (inherited from InflaterInputStream) Fills the buffer with more data to decompress.
Finalize (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IDisposable.Dispose (inherited from Stream)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

See Also

ZipInputStream Class | ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip Namespace